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Hi everyone, found this site about a week ago...


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Hello... thought it was time i introduced myself! My name is Pam, I live in Las Vegas with a 12 year old CAG whom I purchased from his previous owner the beginning of December. His old owner was in his 70s or 80s and wanted to find a home for Doogie because he figured he would outlive him and wanted to find him a home with younger people. This man is so broken up about it, even now. It makes me feel so bad! I know he wishes he hadn't sold him. But Doogie is happy... he is an only bird. We also have 2 dogs, Rawksie and Ginger they are Chihuahua mixes, 2 lizards and 1 rat (we are getting our current rat a friend when he gets better, he is sick right now) Dexter. I am very happy to have found this group! Doogie is a nice bird, he is very aloof sometimes, though. We love him so much already. His cage is open whenever one of us is home and can supervise. I don't trust one of my dogs, Rawksie, as she ATE a lovebird i had about 6 years ago. That was traumatizing, as you can imagine. Well, i guess i will end it on that note! I will also post pictures soon.



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Fidmom: Definitely leave the door closed when the dogs are around, especially after what happened to the lovebird. Take things slow and make sure the bird kepps a feeling of security. Look forward to some pictures and hearing your progress. There are many, many helpful people in our family so don't hesitate to ask anything.

Bruce & Mazy

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