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I bought a second grey yesterday. I have a 1 yr old CAG and this new one is a 1 yr old TAG. Both are males. I should be eligible for the bite club too because when I went to get acquainted with him, he grabbed my hand and bit me about 10 times, breaking the skin and making my hand bleed big time. It was all I could do to remain calm and not shake that guy off of my hand, but I gently placed him back on his cage and then cleaned and bandaged my hand. Its weird because he was giving me kisses through the cage, so I figured he was somewhat friendly. So we brought him home and we are adjusting, but I have not given him any opportunity to bite me again. I'm taking it slow. I do hold my CAG and pet him and cuddle him in front of the TAG so he can see that I am not a bad person. I hope it encourages him to trust me. He does come out of his cage and play and takes treats from my hand and even accidently got on my shoulder (of course I just knew he was going to take a chunk out of my cheek), but he didn't. He got back in his cage without incident. I praised him for being such a good bird and gave him treats. I honestly don't think he has been handled for the last 6 months or so. The owner seemed very detached from him, stating that she was pregnant and couldn't spend enough time with him, but she never once touched him in the two hours we were there. Also his feathers are very unsmooth, lots of white fluffy down around his wing area, no skin showing, but she said he was plucking. Today, there was absolutely no feathers in the bottom of his cage. Do you suppose he has been so lonely that he is just happy to have some new feathered friends? He does not appear aggressive towards any of them as of yet, but based on his little outburst, I am not leaving him alone with any of the others yet. Well, sorry for rambling, but I'm just using everyone as a sounding board.

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scrohan: it sounds like you're exactly what this bird needs. By the way, the no such thing as rambling here.

Just remember to take things very slowly. Work within his comfort levels, not yours. I think the other bird will become great company. Don't be in a hurry to handle him. He's already indicated it's just a matter of time.

Good Luck and keep us posted, I know you'll get some helpful ideas.

Bruce & Mazy

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I agree with Bruce, take things slowly your new guy needs to adjust to his new home & surroundings,things will be strange for him for a week or so.Did your new guy have a health check before you introduced him to your existing grey ? They should really have been quarantined.Time & patience is whats needed for the new grey to gain your trust,but im sure given time you will make progress with him.

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Congratulations on getting a second Grey and also in becoming a member of the "Bite Me Club" at the same time. :-)


As others have said and you already know, time and patience are needed for this new guy. It does sound like he may have become a little "Barn Sour" from no attention wit his present owner.


Keep us updated on how this goes.

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Thanks for everyone's words of encouragement and advise with this little guy (his name is Toku, japanese for "speak"). No, I did not quarantine him or take him to the vet yet. He eats everything under the sun and alot of it. He has a ferocius appetite. Now I caught Sparky with a sunflower seed in his mouth last night. He could only have gotten it from his treat dish. If anyone remembers, he is the 1 yr old who believes its better to be fed by mommy than to eat on his own. Unfortunately, I couldn't get him to eat his carrots, squash or grapes. But he is obviously sneaking food on his own when he thinks I'm not looking...Well, I have to go check up on the two little hooligans and see what kind of mayhem they are cookin up in the bird room. I will keep you posted.

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