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Greetings Everyone!


How much meat does your AG eat?


Bella is a crazy about meat - particularly chicken. I put a bit of meat into her breakfast maybe once/week. But she likes to "share" my dinner with me in the evening and she tosses any veggies aside and goes straight for the meat!


When eating chicken, she snatches herself a bone and chews the ends off. She takes the bone down a little bit too by grinding it to a fine meal. After that she dips her beak into the bone and pulls the bone marrow out. She's got this down to a science!


This behavior really makes me wonder if AG's are not really bigger meat eaters then we think in the wild.


What kind of experiences do you have with meat and your AG?




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Mine enjoys meat too, she has had chicken, turkey, goose, pheasant, deer, beef, bear, doves and pork and enjoyed them all, but I limit the amount I allow her to have.


I think one of the other members suggested giving them a bone to chew on for they love the marrow in the middle but I have yet to try this with Josey.


I find that she will forego the veggies in favor of the meat unless I have some kind of rice or pasta on my plate, she goes bonkers for that.:P

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Hi Terri, i give mine a chicken leg maybe once a fortnight as a treat,thats my choice as i believe the diet they have meets all their nutritional needs . Greys will love the bone marrow, which is highly nutritious for them.As with any meat please make sure it is cooked throughly,undercooked meat is dangerous for our birds.If feeding chicken the thigh or drumstick is best with the skin removed & a little amount of meat left on the bone.

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Greetings everyone! Well, I'm glad to hear my little carnivore is quite in line with her cousins LOL! She loves beef as well. The dogs particularly enjoy her brazen approach as they wouldn't think of snatching my food from my plate. 3/4 of what she takes from my plate ends up on the floor so the dogs have figured out - follow Bella and food will follow LOL! This happens particularly with the chicken bones. She knaws off the ends, grinds up the pieces so there are no splinters that could hurt the dogs - all she's interested in is the marrow and the dogs get the rest LOL! What a rackette they have going on here!

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How about Prosciutto? It is just my little boy saw my sandwich and raced over and before I knew it he had grabbed him self a piece of Prosciutto and took off with it. He seemed to think it was great becuase he downed that and then dashed back to try and swipe more of my Prosciutto. I guess he shouldn't eat that as it is not cooked meat, but I guess it is cured?

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Hi Jane,


Bella does the snatch thing too - it's funny isn't it! She'll play tug-of-war with me if I try to get it away. I've taken to drinking fruit juice in the evening instead of red wine because she gets hold of the stem of my glass and pulls like crazy - I'm afraid she'll break the glass and get hurt - so :unsure: fruit juice it is *sigh* :laugh:


I haven't been giving Bella any procesed meats as the salt content seems to be very high in all of them. In addition, there was recently a big to do in the news about the level of harm processed meats do to humans, so my sense is it would be just as harmful to our birds.




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Thanks, I will try and avoid him snatching anymore.


Terri, you are right they are so funny when they snatch. I also have the tug of war with the glass. His body language when he snatches is so funny as well. His feathers are all flat like he is trying to streamline himself for the mission ahead, wings out a bit, neck stretched and he is in for the snatch. He then runs off so quick whipping his head around as I try to grab it out of his beak

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Since I can't eat anything without sharing it with Lyric (I have to hide if I really don't want him to have it or I get that "I can't believe you aren't sharing with me" look that I can't resist) he ends up getting a little bit of meat occasionally. He seems to enjoy it too but not as much as cheese. I know cheese isn't good for him but he totally goes bonkers for it. Guess I should get him some special veggie cheese! It would be interesting to know if they eat any meat in their natural environment or not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My vet actually recommended cheese to me. She said a little piece once a day, or every few days, won't hurt my bird and will help with the calcium.


As for meats, Athena goes nuts over most meat. She particularly likes salmon and shrimp, but she's also had chicken, beef and pork and loved all of them. I'll definitely have to try giving her a bone next time. I didn't know they would like the marrow!

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I second Tracy's advice, I wouldn't give them cheese every day either, from all sources I have read and heard it is not to be given on a daily basis.


I tried giving Josey a chicken bone and she promptly threw it down but I will try again.:blink:

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I do try to minimize the amount of cheese she gets but I thought that was an interesting "opinion" from an avian vet. Of course, common sense tells me we can find other, better sources of calcium out there that aren't potentially harmful! :) I even found a "healthy" pasta the other day that has extra calcium added to it.


Oh, I tried giving her a chicken wing bone tonight and she went nuts! I thought she'd thrown it out of her bowl at first, until I realized that no, she'd chewed it up, sucked out the marrow and thrown the "rest" on the counter! By the way, the first thought that came to my mind after that was a worry about bone shards. Do any of you also harbor that fear?

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  • 2 weeks later...

my grey loves minted lamb... tried it for the first time & he couldnt get enough.. is there a way I can cut the bone of a chicked so he can get easy access to the marrow as at the moment he doesnt seem to bothered about the bone... even though I have tried... chicked bones are ok right - as ur not meant to give chicken bones to dogs & I thought as they splinter easy then maybe not but seems as though u guys have tried it & most greys like it - it is def good for them so do want to try get him to like it.... any suggestions.... hmmmmmmmmmmmm thanx for above info.. Emma & Sensei...xxx

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wicked will try this.. also has anyone given there grey yoghurt - my grey had some of my banana yoghurt the other day but surely the live BIO yogs will be good for him full of good & natural bacteria for u..... let me know if anyone can... xxx

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