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Another odd quirk


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This might be somewhat related to my post about how Rascal might love some of her toys too much, but the behavior is a little different so I decided to start a new thread.


Rascal seems to have a strange obsession with the paper towel I keep on the table to clean up her frequent messes. She loves to unroll the paper towel, but then she puts her head down, ruffles her feathers, and scratches at it sort of like she's digging a hole. She's not trying to tear it though.


It doesn't matter whether the paper towel is on a roll standing up or if it's a folded sheet that I've been holding her over to poop on, she goes crazy with it.


Any ideas would be very helpful! IMG_0244_1.jpg


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Both of the behaviors you've been describing aren't anything I've seen in my almost 14 y/o CAG (I've had her for a year an a half), but it sounds like another "nesting" type behavior. I'm very interested to read what other people have to say though.



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Dayo, a male, loves to unroll the paper towels, tear at them, roll himself up in them and sometimes scratch them to. It's really funny to watch when he decides to do it. I'll get a video of it the next time.


Anyway, it could be nesting behaviour as others have said. But, Dayo does it just playing. :-)

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Sort of sounds like this could just be play behavior. What had really made me wonder though was the way she fluffed out her feathers every time she did it. Maybe it's because it's a different texture than anything else around her, although she doesn't get excited by the textured fabric on my couch.


I guess I'll just try limiting how long she can play with the paper towel for now and sww what happens.


Thanks for the advice, everyone!

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