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Concerns -- Chewing Plastic (Wiffle Balls)


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I've discovered that my bird loves wiffle ball toys, especially with pacifiers and nuts and bolts stuck in the holes. She has taken to chew from one wiffle ball hole to another and I'm concerned about accidental ingestion of plastic. I do see her spit out the tiny pieces of plastic, but I'm still bothered. All it takes is a couple of small pieces to be eaten and impacted.


Anyone else with this concern? She seems to think that all plastic is made to be deformed.





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Wherever she chews them you should be able to see little pieces of the plastic laying around, make sure it is but I don't think she will be eating any of it.


Most greys love to tear up anything and that includes plastic.


Liz, why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little about you and your grey.

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  • 7 months later...

DOnt give them any plastic like that. Last night my Grey got her second tonque injury on biting plastic. The first time it was one of her PARROT toys bought for Greys. She bite the perfect angle of the plastic to make it like a knife. It punctured her tongue and bleed everywhere. It has to be coterized(sp. ?) by the vet.

And just last night she did it again with another kind of plastic. I will never let her have these types of plastic again. We are waiting to go the the vet now. She should have it stitched but they say she will bite them out. IT almost severed the tip of her tongue!

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  • 1 year later...

casey7e wrote:

DOnt give them any plastic like that. Last night my Grey got her second tonque injury on biting plastic. The first time it was one of her PARROT toys bought for Greys. She bite the perfect angle of the plastic to make it like a knife. It punctured her tongue and bleed everywhere. It has to be coterized(sp. ?) by the vet.

And just last night she did it again with another kind of plastic. I will never let her have these types of plastic again. We are waiting to go the the vet now. She should have it stitched but they say she will bite them out. IT almost severed the tip of her tongue!


So sorry to hear that ... just goes to show you how much these pets are like people and have their own personality .... something that works for one Grey might now work for the other!!!

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Oh Boy, sorry your baby is hurt and needs vet attention.


There are many "Plastic" balls out there that are not made for parrots powerful beaks. They can easily break those plastic balls made for cats.


Always use the thicker acrylic balls made specfically for parrots and that should not occur if you chose the correct sized ball for your grey or other parrot.


I have used these for years with no mishaps and not one cracked when bitten hard. They love those things, especially with bells in them.


YOur experience serves good notice for others in selecting correct balls for parrots.


I hope your baby heals quickly. :-)

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