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My throbbing nose


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This might be a long post, bear with me. As some of you will know, my boy Dorian has hardly ever voluntarily let go of his cage. The first time he came to me on the floor was a major milestone. So today I was sitting on the floor near his cage going through the paper. I could tell he was longing to get hold of the paper and rip it, so I placed it just out of his reach and after some thought he came down. I spread the paper out and he walked around and played for about 20 minutes. He loved tipping over my (empty) tea mug! I was laying on my stomach on the floor giving him paper, petting and praising him. A few times he stepped onto my fingers so we were working on "step-up" with me saying it every time he was about to do it on his own anyway.


He was on my finger and something, I don't know what, startled him, he lost his balance and grabbed the closest thing, which was my nose! After about a nanosecond it was clear he wasn't going back to my fingers so I had to sit up and crawl over to his cage. All the while I'm talking calmly to him, but my brain is screaming 'OW OW OW' I put him on the cage bottom praising him big time and telling him what a brave boy he is because I didn't want our lovely session on the floor to end with him being fearful or angry. He went up to his perch and I gave him a treat & more praise until he was calm and gave me a little kiss. Then I went to the mirror. Could have been way worse. He didn't break the skin thank goodness. That wound would be hard to explain! Just swelled up a bit where he had hold. He clearly wasn't trying to hurt me.


He's in the other room chattering away. Do you think this will set back my efforts to increase his confidence and teach him how to step up? Here's a blurry picture of him and the mug with my very cheap camera! Dorian_with_mug.jpg


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Sorry about the nose but they will grab what is closest and in this case that was your nose, ouch I know that hurt but glad no damage was done, at least he didn't clamp down hard.


No I don't think you have any thing to worry about, just keep working at it and the angle you used seemed to work, try that again but without the nose part. It will just take time but it will get better just have patience. Hearing him chattering away sounds like he wasn't stressed out over it so keep up the good work.

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Thank you for the reassurances. I keep imagining what it looked like with me crawling to the cage with him hanging onto my face. One of those times you're glad no one is around! Hopefully he'll forget the getting scared part of the day and will keep geting more confident about letting go of the cage. I think his little adventure wore him out because he's making his 'it's bedtime' noises about an hour early tonight, just like an over tired child

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