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Hi. I am a new member here. I am a primary school teahcer by day...vampire :whistle: I mean natural history artist by night (well, actually evenings is more like it). I thought you might like to see what I get up to, and as I am just about to finish a pair of Cag's, felt it appropriate I post them first...let me know if you would like to see more. Cheers. Ian












possible011.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Minime, at: 2008/02/10 13:59

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lovemyGreys wrote:

Hi & cooltext68166787.jpg, you certainly have a talent, i keep seeing your pictures on all forums across the UK :)



Hi...My intention is world domination :evil: . Sadly, I suppose at the moment I will have to make do with letting people see my work oin forums...I have hit the States as well though. :whistle:<br><br>Post edited by: Minime, at: 2008/02/10 14:16

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Hello Ian and welcome to the family, glad you could join us even though you do not have a grey at the moment but hopefully in the near future your dream can become a reality.


You do beautiful work in these drawings, you have real talent, they are so lifelike it is almost like looking at an actual photograph of them. What other birds do you do and do you only do birds or does your interest go into other subjects? Yes I am very interested in what you do and would like to see more of your work.


Well I think your goal of world domination is attainable with the talent you have shown in these drawings of the two Cags and they are a wonderful depiction of how they actually look. I assume you work from actual photos of the subjects but you do capture them beautifully in your drawings.


Well this is enough foaming at the mouth for me but I want to thanks you so much for sharing these with us and I am sure there are many here who would be interested in your work, I know I am.:)

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judygram wrote:

You do beautiful work in these drawings, you have real talent, they are so lifelike it is almost like looking at an actual photograph of them. What other birds do you do and do you only do birds or does your interest go into other subjects? Yes I am very interested in what you do and would like to see more of your work.


I am sure there are many here who would be interested in your work, I know I am.:)


Thank you for your nice comments...


here you go...


White fronted amazons...




Blue throated macaw...








and....self portrait



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FairY wrote:

Hi Ian, welcome welcome to the forum :) Those are very nice drawings. Where do you take your models from if you haven't got one at home? :P


I have a deal I make with owners of the species I am looking to draw...


It goes like this...you let me take photographs of the animal, and then once I have cleaned out the rubbish and got the best photos sorted, I give you a C.D. or download of all the photos I took. Then, if and when I finish the artwork and have it printed, you get a choice of prints from number 2 to the last but one (i.e. I always keep numbers 1 and the last of the run).


I am not a bad photographer, so even if I never use a photo for a drawing, you may still end up with something along these lines for your troubles...






so, I suppose it all depends on where you are in the world? If your close enough and can spare the time, you may have a model I can use? Cheers. Ian ;)

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Ian, I doubt that is a self portrait but it is a good depictation of a chimp and these are very good photos of a macaw and a galah.


So you do work from photos, do you have to take the photos yourself or can you do work from photos sent to you for sketching?


BTW, thanks for sharing these with us.:)

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Ian, I don't think I live close to you :laugh: But those photos sure are good {Feel-good-000200BB}As for that self-portrait: get over that bad hair day :laugh:

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many thanks for all your kind words folks, and sorry so long since last update....THIS IS A KILLER...always is at the last stages. I have the trunk of the tree to do to finish the actual drawing. Then I will clean it using a combination of blu-tac and eraser. After which its of to be scanned and printed up...My problem is Billy is teething and full of cold, so I am tied up and tired. Will do my best to finish by the weekend....then, I think it going to be either Galah or Greenwing macaw...



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  • 2 weeks later...

This is it...its all done. I finished the trunk and worked the branch they are sitting on today, then spent an hour cleaning up the white (eraser EVERYWHERE!). Total time 29 hours. Next is the Green Wing Macaws, but I may stick a sly little one in between I am thinking of. Will of course, keep you all posted.


So, its off to Manchester next to have it scanned, then over to Pickering to have the digital file colour adjusted and then finally printed. For those who have pre-ordered this print, I will have a far better idea of prices in a week or two, but I am offering it in two sizes. A2 - the original size, and A3 - half size (for smaller homes/walls), and so it will be two prices. The prices given from orders I get from the forum will be different from the prices quoted to anyone buying from other sources (printers/ebay etc) when I eventually sort out how the best way to move the prints. You will of course get the better price here. I am not greedy folks, I am gaining far more from the fact that you lot like this enough to put in on your walls! Any profit will go towards further developments in my art work. Cheers. Ian


So......here you go...


..........Shades of Grey.........


finished006.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Minime, at: 2008/02/29 21:11

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