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My little AG ! I am worried


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Dear Friends,


I am new to the Forum and truly impressed, its a real homepage for all of us. very informative and a real place to meet.


since am new to have an African Grey, I will have lots of questions every day !!!


please bare with me ;) and don't be :sick: of my silly Questions.


a. my little AG is 3 months old and a very nice one.

I got it for almost 10 days.


b. since yesterday it is not playing around and did not eat properly since 1 day or so ...


I am going to take it to the Doctor today. but I am worried about it, any suggestions?


What is the best food for the bird, any special treatment for a 3 months old. it is hand feed and can eat alone as well.


guys, please assist me .... how to go about it.


I am not ready to loose the bird.


best regards,

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Hi & welcome,


There may be a number of reasons as to why he is not eating.Did he's crop empty like should last time he ate ? He may have developed a bacteria infection in his crop. The best advice is as you are doing he needs to be checked out by the vet.Let us know how it goes ?


There are many topics in the bird food room please have a read through the various threads in there.

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thanks for your reply, yes I believe the crop is empty and not like the previous time it was more.


I will see what the VET says.


by the way, it I had to use the syringe to feed medicine, my grey didn't like it. I tried to give before as per the VET prescription.


he didn't like it and he dropped half of the dose.

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Welcome AAA!!


What did the vet have your new baby on medicine for? That indicates that a problem already exists. It is imperative that you get the proper dosage into your grey. Perhaps you could mix it in with formula and feed it to him that way.


Twelve weeks old is very young and I would imagine he is still getting 1 or two formula feeding s day. Is this correct? If so, he is not weaned and at this point may just be picky at and playing with food such as pellets, seeds, nuts, veggies and fruit.


Looking forward to hearing more on how your new baby is doing. :-)

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AAA, I hope you have taken this baby to the vet by now, it sounds like it is still needing the hand feeds and if it was taking meds that indicates something is not right to begin with.


It should be playing and being somewhat active at this age and you seem to need some guidance on caring for this baby. Get some information from the vet and keep us informed of what he/she says.


When you get a chance why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and this grey of yours.

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I arrived home last evening and saw my little grey not well at all, I got it just 10 days ago ….. I guess from day one there was a problem but it was difficult for me to measure the level of energy and active the bird should be. I can tell you it was a very nice bird but not that active ….. I thought since it is small, then it diver from other elder ones. I know now the reason … it was sick.


It was too late; after 15 minutes drive on my way to the VET I lost the bird. It couldn’t take the environment change (since it is already sick) even until we arrive to the VET. It was unfortunately dead by then. I was shocked…. I am extremely SAD. But just wanted to share it with you guys and I appreciate all your concerns.


I didn’t see my bird playing around or even entertaining and I had so many plans for him, (bigger cage, training plan buy games stuff and make it enjoying its stay with us …. etc).


I know that it is even worse if the bird is with a person for longer time, but it still hurts … first of all with, lack of experience for a small bird I guess its also coz of me. And I didn’t even have my time with the new family member who had passed away.


Just to mention: I notice that after it died (almost 1 hour later) it had a lot of transparent liquid in its mouth, is it normal when birds die?


I will still visit you guys and be around, I still LOVE parrots and I am really sorrowful for the loss.

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Oh that is horrible news...I'm so sorry. It doesn't take long at all to get attached to those little guys, I loved Elmo just as much at 10 days as I do now.


Are you having a necropsy done to find out what was wrong with him? I wouldn't blame yourself too much, if I was you I would go to whoever it was that sold him to you and tell them what happened because it sounds like they sold you a doomed baby.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/02/11 14:15

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I am so sorry for the loss of your bird, AAA, and you are right, it doesn't take long to get very attached to them. I agree this bird was doomed from the start, it never really had a chance and the breeder that sold it to you should be ashamed of himself for selling it to you like this.


Yes please stay with us and participate in this forum, you will learn so much and be better prepared for the day when or if you decide to get another bird. Just don't get it from the same one you got the this one from.


We all learn from our mistakes and I don't blame you for this, your baby was already sick and dying when you got it, but at least it knew you loved and cared for it and you may decide to share that love with another one day.


I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for help in dealing with your loss of this little one.

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Dear All,


I truly appreciate your valuable comments, your concerns and your condolence.


BMustee, No I didn’t request for necropsy to be done. The breeder confirms that the bird was in good condition and when I took it originally to the VET just on buying it, he also confirmed the same but since the bird’s crop was empty and yellowish less solid, he advised that it is coz of the stress of environment change first time for the baby to come out of the breeding room (which is warmer than the whether outside nowadays here in Dubai).


However, the vet is one of the excellent ones; many common friends take their pets to him and say the same. It happen that he also knew the breeder that I bought the bird from (to be frank, the breeder is not a bad person and he has many birds and professionally taking care of them and other animals as well. I have been to his farm and comparing to couple of other pet markets in two major cities over here, I believe it is a good deal to take a pet/bird from him)


I think I will not give up, and will get another one not before the winter is over. Can you please give me some suggestions on how to select the right grey i.e. age, and other helpful information?


Many friends told me it is preferable to have a baby bird 3 months. If I get an elder one, can you advise me what is the maximum age I should go for? I need a one to catch up fast with me.


Guys, due to my working hours, I spend 8-11 hours away from the bird daily. I guess I should buy a bird which can be little independent and stronger body, my wife is always there with the kids but will be observing from a distance (she afraid animals “change food, change water”– but she even loved the bird:) )


DanMcQ: the medicine was three (1. antibiotic powder (little amount in water once a day) 2. medicine for the bacteria infection in his crop (once a day) 3. vitamin two drops in water a day). You are right the vet mentioned something about re-existing conditions.



Ahmad (AAA)

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Ahmed if you are working long hours you will need your wife to let the new grey out,it will be unfair to keep him/her caged for long periods of time if someone is home, greys are very intelligent & sociable creatures they need to interact with their human flock it will be no good your wife observing from a distance.If you go for a baby make sure it is fully weaned & eating independently,looks bright eyed, has no poo stuck to the vent area,is active & playful.Get a health guarantee from the breeder.

Please have a read through this article...it will give you a little insight in to a parrots needs.



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Hello Ahmad - Thanks for the great update with more information. I would suspect the infection continued and got the best of the poor guy. It great to hear that you are still going to get a Grey and are taking this so well. I know even the short time you had him, the love is almost instantaneous and that the loss hurt deeply.


Stay in touch and hopefully someone here can help in pointing to other breeders if that is what you wish. :-)

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