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Update on our new member the Goffin Cockatoo!!!


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He looks like a little angel. I think you should give him that as a middle name, Casper Angel. That's actually Lyric's middle name although my boyfriend teases me that he should be called devil instead.

I just love all the pics you've been posting, it's fun getting to see him transition into a big grownup perch sitting eating on his own little boy! You're going to have so much fun with him. Just be careful when you bring him home that Sweetheart and Molly don't get too jealous.

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TheFeatherHut wrote:

I could very easily solve this problem for you guys!:evil:



So could I, maybe I will just have to steal Casper from you and then neither one of you will have him:laugh:


Nah, just kidding, I wouldn't do that to ya Ronda and Jessie, this is your baby.B)

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LOL now people stop messing with my bird lol! I have a pic too on him eating his pellets now! I will try to post that. She mixes the pellets in with his formula now that she spoon feeds him and he is liking that. He is starting to eat his pellets on his own now too! She said as soon as he's eating enough to satisfy himself by himself than he can come home to us!!! But here is the pic of him!



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Well everyone I thought it was about time to come here and update you once again on our little Cockatoo! He is no longer little lol. What a clown he is! I am soooo glad we got him! He is more amusing then the TV, half the time we don't even watch it anymore we are too entertained by what he's doing lol. I hope you like the pictures and I will post links as well to all the videos we have taken! He will be 20 weeks old this Friday. He is growing like a weed! I think he finally is weaned! We were doing night feedings and in the past 4 days he has been doing really well, I think for the most part anyway they were comfort feedings for him that we were doing. I had read that some Cockatoo's like that comfort feeding for up to a year. We had no problem doing it because it just bonded him closer to us anyway, and it actually bonded SweetHeart to us more as well cause we gave her little nibbles as a treat in the evening and she even did this little happy whistle lol. But Casper is doing very well! Hope you will check out my videos and let me know what you all think of how big he has gotten!




Here is a link for SweetHeart and Casper together~


Here is a link for Casper being in the front yard for the first time with his harness on!~


I was told this is his own little sound he makes lol, it sounds like a duck. ~

edited by: Ronda477, at: 2008/06/03 22:35
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LOL I think we have the same problem, he does this thing that sounds like complaining to me (but I call it something else lol) but he just goes on and on like an old lady lol. Than he will let out a yell here and there. I have always read they are very loud birds but soo far he just lets out these quacks lol

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