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Update on our new member the Goffin Cockatoo!!!


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We just found out that it is a BOY!!! My husband named this little guy Casper. Found out that name for Cockatoos is pretty popular lol. But we went over some other names as well, and he just kept going back to Casper so Casper it will be! Here is a new little pic of the guy too! I can't believe how much he is growing!<br><br>Post edited by: Ronda477, at: 2008/02/09 19:53


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lol these things are contagious lol. I have been trying to figure out where we are going to put him, but just had to have him! I actually have to remove an end table to put him in the living room lol, but it's best they are in here with us! So we will deal with it! I'm sure anyone who comes over here will laugh at us, it looks like a bird room! All the toys hanging from the ceiling lol

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lol sorry! I can't wait till he comes home! I sooo wish I knew how to feed him, I am home all day long and would love to do it, but would not want to harm him in any way cause of my negligence, SO I will just let the breeder do the good job she is doing and wait it all out! The breeder said she sat there the other night and wrapped him up in a towel with his little head sticking out and watched a movie with him and just pet his little head, she said he was loving life! I can't wait to do that with him!!!!!

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Oh I hope all of you look at this and I hope I haven't tired you out yet! I just got this! Remember he is only a month old!!!! I asked the breeder if they cry, cause I had read that and sometimes they can cry for a little over a year till they grow out of it lol. And this is what she sent me! I don't care if he cries or not, I still want him!! Just wanted to see what it sounded like. So please go check out my little guy!



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