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greys beak


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hi every1 not been here for a while my computer broke down but we got a new one now so now i can say happy new year to you all bit late but better late than never lol. anyway can someone tell me how long it would normally take for a greys beak to shed zacks been on with it for some weeks now although his new beak is looking good it seems to be taking a long time is this normal?:unsure:

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thanks lovemygreys that section helped i think hes just doing what all other greys do, hes on complete food mix (nutribird p15) so i think hes getting all the vits he needs oh and i do put extra calcium (calcivet)in his drink a couple ov drops a few times a:silly: :cheer: week i think am doing things right lol let me no otherwise plaese

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yes he likes peppers, apples, sprouts, grapes, raisins, apricots, carrots everything really i buy the bags ov dried fruits really tho most of the time but he does get apples and grapes alot thats the main fruit my kids eat and he loves the kids as long as they share lol any other time he doesnt like them

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