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Can an older Grey learn more words?

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Thanks for the updates, Denise, I think you have quite the character in Sammy, and it will take a while for him to settle in so he will be jumpy and startle easy but with time and patience he will overcome that.


Thats great that he has a good vocabulary and he will learn new words and phrases from you too so watch what you say if you don't want it repeated.


Josey will sometimes reach in with her talons and grab up food especially pellets and eat them from her foot, of course she drops most of them and it usually is not over the bowl when she does it either but you gotta love them.:laugh:

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Sammy continues to amaze us with new phrases and words. He's told the dog to "shut up," and one time when our daughter walked out of the room, he said, "Come back here!" We've started to take him out of the cage sometimes and he loves to sit on our hand and snuggle. Tonight I had him on my arm and he sat with me in the rocker for a long time... just petting him, singing to him. He "sang" along with me, no words, just very quiet noises he made, going up and down when my voice did, like he was singing along. It was so sweet!! He talks a LOT, very clearly, with different voices. He's constantly coming out with new phrases.


Yesterday I was having a very serious conversation with a mom whose little girl is having surgery later this month. My husband was playing with Sammy, grabbed the list of words/phrases I'd started that we've heard Sammy say, and added something to it. He stuck it in front of my nose and I nearly burst out laughing! He had said, "Sammy is a bad bird from hell." Imagine my pastor-husband's surprise!!! LOLOL


We finally figured out what one noise is that he makes quite often... we couldn't quite place it! Then I heard it today - when someone opened a pop can behind me in a restaurant -- he's imitating a can being opened!


What a trip this has been in just one short week!


Denise O.

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Denise this is amazing how Sammy is adjusting so well so quickly and he does have quite the vocabulary, I can imagine a few jaws dropped when that one phrase came out but I bet it was so funny you had to laugh, I would have.


Greys do like imitating all sorts of sounds and noises they hear, I am sure you will find others to identify with.


Thanks so much Denise for updating us on Sammy and continue with them for we love to hear success stories.:)

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Hi! I just put a picture of Sammy on the Photo Album. It's called "evening snuggles." He loves to sit on my stomach in the evenings. I sit on the rocker and sing to him and he listens, talks softly, even tries to 'sing' with me. He loves to get his head scritched, and even his back! He's still coming out with new words. This morning he said, "Sammy's a baaaad bird. He's a bad boy. He's jealous. Why are you jealous why?" Sounds like he knew what he was talking about, but I think he's picked up the 'jealous' thing because we say that when the dog comes around. Today he barked a lot --he can sound exactly like a dog barking outside... and now he imitates our dog barking inside. Wow, greys are simply amazing!!

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