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"Step up"


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Charlie has never liked to step up on to my fingers properly.I dont know why but has always sat on my arm or the back of my hand. He is 7 months now and I am desperate to hold him properly for safety (and for the sake of my poor hands which are so sore)when I hold my fingers out he really does bite! I have tried and tried but dont seem to be getting anywhere.Anyone else had similar problems?

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Yes... one of mine doesnt like to step onto fingers. If I offer him my hand fingers first he bites... hard. If I grin and bear it, he will then step up. He is very wobbly at the best of times and has very small toes compared to my older grey. I think he just doesnt feel secure on something as small as a couple of fingers.


I have no ideas on how to stop him biting me though, I am hoping eventually he will learn that I dont drop him and that he is safe on my hand. He doesnt do this to my husband, he is bonded to him rather than me.

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