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Loves the toys too much?


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I recently bought a 10 year old Grey and am still in the process of getting to know her. I have some toys spread around the cage, but she seems to become particularly attached to whatever I hang on the side at the end of one of her perches. She likes to put one foot on the side of the cage, snuggle up to the toy, and sort of droop her wings around it like she's trying to hug it.


She's even hopped down from wherever I was sitting with her to walk across the room to the cage to be with this toy a few times. I've tried changing it out a few times but she just loves whatever I put there.


Is this kind of attachment normal?

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I think she is displaying some sexual behavior, being 10 years old she is certainly old enough to be wanting to mate. She is viewing the toy as something she wants to vent her sexual frustrations on. I would discourage this as much as possible as it will only stress her out. Remove the toys from that particular spot and see if she ceases the behavior.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and this grey.

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I have removed the toy from that particular location, but now she tries to do this outside the cage as well. She'll hunch down on a plastic toy on the table, even while I'm sitting right there with her, and cover it with her wings. She doesn't react when I take it away, but I don't want to have to take all her toys from her. Any suggestions?

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Moving the toys inside the cage has helped there, but now when she's outside the cage she tries to find things to snuggle with.


I've been reading about sexual behavior of companion birds and I'm having a hard time telling if any of her behaviors are some sort of sexual display or if she's just having fun and playing around.


Hopefully with time I'll be able to identify her behaviors better.

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From what I can tell from the photo, it looks like sexual behavior to me, my Josey is still too young to display this behavior but my sun conure does this too. I would distract her when she does this to keep her from doing it so much for she will become frustrated by it when those feelings are not returned. Thanks for sharing a pic of her in the action!!:woohoo:

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My grey has done some things kinda like what is in the picture. Elmo has one of those half bowls with the two balls that spin around in it. Well, a number of times he has played with it and then laid his body across it. One time after playing and sitting on it he regurgitated for it. Elmo is only 10 1/2 months old and I believe he was only 8 months when he "gurged" for his toy so there is no way it's sexual. I would say make sure she doesn't go into full courtship displays, but if it never progresses past what she is doing now then I wouldn't be too worried about it.

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