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Beekers refuses to eat fruits/veg.


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Please help....


I have had my Grey Timneh for about 4 months now. I bought her/him from a bird market. Beekers was 6 months old at the time, break bone clearly showing and feathers in poor shape. I was told Beekers, was somewhat tame and ate apples. But what I saw, Beekers would ONLY eat sunflower seeds and wasn't very tame at all, ( actually took a chunk out of my finger) well long story short, Beekers is alot better- gets on my arm, shoulder doesn't bite unless I try to force anything with her. I am trying!!! But my problem is this............

SHe wont eat any fruits or vegetables at all!!!!!!!!!! I have tried leaving it in her cage, tried feeding her, eating in front of her, mixing it in with her food, removing her food and only offering pellets and fruits, ( she hates everything except seeds)I need help

I am about to puree it and force feed her with a syringe.



PLEASE ADVISE...........

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i have had the same thing with mine for a year now, but just lately she has started to show a little interest all i did was put some in her cage everyday i tried everything else i made toys out of it and mashed it mixed it with seed and she had no interest so i decided just to put some in her treat bowl everyday, a year later she want to try it. i have never forced her because i want her to enjoy what she is eating not see it as a punishment

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You could try offering cooked vegetables instead of raw. Or you could try hiding them in homemade birdy bread (lots of recipes in this forum).

Try threading them on a stainless steel skewer and hanging them in the cage. You could try maybe grating some fruit or veg into the seed mix.

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As the others have said, just keep offering them everyday, change the way they are prepared - cooked - raw - chopped small - medium - leave them as-is, hang them, make toys out of them etc.


The important and HARD thing to do, is keep doing it everyday and sooner or later, the fruits and veggies will get nibbled on. :-)


The Link LovemyGrays providing is terrific. She is the resident dietitian!!

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Yes you do have to keep offering them every day, the first of the day when she is most hungry.


I am glad she is doing better interacting with you and it does take time so be patient with her.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and Beekers.

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Klaus loves warm baby food (carrots, sweet potatoes, squash). I dip whole wheat bread in it and hand feed it to him, or make him a small dish of pasta with warm baby food veggies on it.

Warm & mushy seems to do the trick - Klaus can't resist!

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