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Looking to get a Grey


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Hello, my name is Jesse. I recently purchased my first home and figured now is a good time to get a pet. I have been looking into getting a grey and look forward to learning what to do/not to do if I decide to purchase one. I grew up with dogs, cats, rabbits, and a few other various animals but have not had a bird around since I was about 4. Anyways I look forward to meeting some of you and your greys!


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Hi Mavus, and Welcome to our family. Please read as much as you can through out the various threads here. There is a lot of research you should do before purchasing a grey. They require a lot of time, effort, and attention. It is a life long commitment as they live between 40-60 years. Please keep us posted, and feel free to ask as many questions as you like. We have wonderful members who are very helpful and knowledgeable. :)

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I guess here is the best place to ask my first question.

My biggest concern is that I will not have enough time to spend with the the grey. The reason my parents had to get rid of their grey when I was 4 was because it was getting depressed for lack of attention.

My job some times has me working some pretty long hours and I am currently the only person in my house. My daily routine usually has me leaving the house at 8:30am and getting home around 6pm, this can be as late 10pm on some nights (not too often).

I also work some weekend days but that has me getting home around 2:30pm.

I also enjoy playing golf on some weekend days and various after work activities from time to time.

Would it be fair to the grey with this schedule?


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Well, seeing as I work part time out of the house and am able to work at home for the remainder of the time. Talon is out of her cage and interacting with me a lot during the day, so I'm not the best to give advice to you. Those are some really long hours for a grey to spend alone in a cage tho. I do know that many others work full time with their grey, so I'm sure they will chime in and give you better advice. B)

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Yeah I may have been a bit extreme in my hours, I would say 80% of the time I am home by 6:30pm. I would have to make it a point to get home and finish with work from there which lucky enough for me my job is well suited for.


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Mavus: Would there be anyone in the house while you're at work and other activities? If there is not , then I would say these hours are to long for a grey to be in the cage and not have companion interaction. So many people who get greys or other high maintenance parrots end up having to re home them due to a bird's poor spirits and behavior resulting from too many hours alone. This is hard on both the bird and owner. Greys live long lives, and often bad behavior doesn't change. It is sad to see a bird who's long life will not be a happy one.

I don't mean to sound so harsh and I am so glad you are researching this before entering into this life long commitment. I commend you for being responsible and thoughtful.

Good Luck and be sure to ask anything here, we are more than happy to respond.

Bruce & Mazy

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Welcome Jesse!!


As others have said, there are a ton of topics here to search and read before making a decision on getting a Grey. The most important thing is a consistent schedule and at least 2 to 3 hours out of the cage spending quality time with you each day.


Ask all the questions you wish, we are more than happy to help. :-)

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