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Greys and other animals.....


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I've had Char for about 3 years, and about a year ago, my boyfriend suprised me with a kitten! I told him that if I ever got a cat, I'd want it to be an adult, so it wouldent be so wired, as little kittens are. But, when the opertunity presented itself, he got the kitten for free.


I put Gizmo's (The kitty) food dishes next to Charlie's cage so he could observe the kitty without being in any danger. Char was out of his cage, on top, and Gizmo was eating. Well, Char was donig more then spying on the kitty, he was spying on his food! I watched as Charlie crawled down his cage, and just as he could reach, bit Gizmo's tail! My kitty went flying across the room, and Charlie proceeded to find out what Gizmo had. I iterveened then, but Char did get some cat food in his mouth. I of course called the vet, and he told me not to worry, that a little amount wouldent do anything.

Gizmo is now almost full grown, (He was about half the size of Char when this happened.) and he is still scared around the big birdy. When Char walks on the floor, Gizmo will "Stalk" him, but he always come up short.

I dont think my cat will do anything to Charlie; he has gotten more bits since then. But it is funny to watch a grown cat 2x the size of a bird, flinch at the sight of him!!!

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No matter how much you think your cat is safe around your bird it only takes a tiny scratch to kill the bird.

I would never let the bird out when the cat is lose.

Either lock the cat up in a different room or crate train the cat.

I have heard the story to many times. Oh my cat/dog wont hurt my birds ever. And then hear oh no the cat/dog got the bird. I never thought it would ever happen.

My cat is 15 years old and never even looks at the birds to busy napping but I still lock her up. What if on of my birds got spooked and landed on my cat? It could happen.

Cats/dogs and birds can live together as long as the owner is willing to keep them apart.

Good luck

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Tari, I disagree slighty with totally separating them. You of coarse need to be very watchful and alert at all times, but if you want your grey to be part of your family, then ALL of the family members need to learn to live together.


My baby CAG is adjusting well to being around our 3 dogs and 3 cats, which I carefully supervise. I never leave them alone, but I don't purposely separate them either. Yes the dogs and cats are predators, but this new family member should not totally disrupt their freedom. It's my responsibility to keep all of them safe and happy.


It was a delight to me the other day when all three dogs and one cat were lounging on the couch while Juji was on my shoulder. All as calm as can be. :)

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I agree, watching all pet interaction is a MUST. The important thing is to never leave the room, even for an instant. You never know when, in the blink of an eye, something happens that makes animal instinct kick in and you have a 911 on your hands.


If you are going to have them out together, make sure, as you are, that they are used to each other and you know that one will not attack the other in normal situations.


I almost lost Dayo just stepping out through my patio door for 5 seconds. The minute I turned to go back in , Dayo had flown down to the bottom of the patio door. Then one of my Dobermans walked up to see what the commotion was about. Dayo became intimidated and flew. When he did, out of instinct, my Doberman snapped at Dayo in mid-air and just got him enough to pull a tiny feather out. Fortunately, I was already opening the door as I saw this happen and gave Chloe the DOWN command and she stopped dead in her tracks.


This is just to let you know, that you should never fall into a sense of "all is good". It's not unless you are right there controlling and supervising the interaction.


Also, it is very important that your pets are all trained to respond to commands instantly. You just never know when one animal might startle the other and all hell will break loose.


Ok, off my podium now....next :-)

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I agree 100% with Danmcq! One of the biggest mistakes pet owners make is that all the animals get along and nothing will happen. Well, things happen in a split second and animals (no matter how well trained they are) are never, ever going to be totally predictable. So, please, no matter your personal experience - never think they are! I saw so many mangled, injured and dead animals when I worked in emergency medicine that were things that could have been prevented. Hec, just the other day with the door shut so the cats were not in the room they swipped one of her parollettes under the door. It really only takes a nick from a cat to kill a bird.

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We have a tiel as well as the grey and I am too afraid to let them wander around in the same room together. I know that one nip from Gus and the tiel is done for, even if I am right there. They each get their free time and if they are out together someone has control of the one whilst I control the other. I just cannot bear to think what we will go through if something happens and I'd be much happier to be safe.

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Each person must assess their critters and how they related to each other. Then adjust the out time of certain ones accordingly. There is no set, yes or no on this. It is a household by household basis.


For example, I have a Peach Front Conure (Jake) and my CAG Dayo. Dayo puts up with Jake, but not if Jake wants to come into Dayo's "Zone". That zone could be a food dish out or if Jake tried to get with in a foot of where we are holding and interacting with Dayo. The good side, is Jake is smaller and faster than Dayo and flies off at the first sign that Dayo is on his way. :-)


If, for example, they were "clipped" I would not have them with in 10 feet of each other.

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I agree that you have to be 100% aware of what gonig on with them. Its not like both cat and bird are in a little room, on the floor. Gizmo grew up with Char and the birds, and I try and reinforce that Char is not for him....... I've watched pleanty of times Gizmo stalking, and running Char, but he always falls short.

I would never seperate them, but nor would I ever leave the room without either Gizmo or Charlie in tow.


Charlie is out of his cage most of the day, Giz has free range of the house. Thats the way its always been. For how much I love my kitty, if he ever did anything that MIGHT hurt any of my birdys, he'd be gone.

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If I gave the impression that I was leaving them alone or considered the cats and dogs safe, I didn't mean to. No, I am very conscious about what's going on with my critters and would never allow Juji in proximity unless all was calm and I was in as much control as possible...I guess my point was that if Juji is going to be around for the next 60 years, and the dogs for the next 15 or so...they better figure out how to co exist as peaceably as possible.


I am excited to see how these relationships b/w all the "furkids" develop. As I write this, all three dogs and one cat are on the couch with me. :)

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Everyone here is giving great advice. Never trust any animal with your birds. They do, and always will have that wild instinct surface when they are startled, no matter how well they are trained. Dan is correct, it only takes a second for trouble to strike your bird. :unsure:

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