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are greys ticklish?


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I know that this is probably a stupid question but are Greys ticklish? When they laugh they dont mean to laugh do they... its just a sound they are imitating isnt it?


The reason I ask is that I was bathing Liath this evening, and she was giving out loads... and when I lifted her wing to wash her body she laughed. She laughed again when I did the other wing....


Its just coincidence isnt it?

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I use the handheld shower thingy and I stand her in the bottom of the bath. I lift each wing and stretch it out so I can soak them properly, and then wet her back. She does love her bath, or shower as she calls it. But she has never laughed before.


I couldnt believe it!!


(oisin is not so good. he just sits there and sulks. He lets me do what I need to do but he doesnt speak to me for hours afterwards)

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