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Very Close Call!


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My mom called me in a tizzy last night. She has two young parollets and she had opened the cage for them to come out. Well, the boy who is not very easy to handle (he was very young when she got him, bad bird breeder:unsure: sold him unweaned and didn't tell my mother a thing, thank god I could teach her) anyway he is a massive biter and not very tame. My mother loves him to pieces (both of them). Well, Merlin flew out, across the room and landed in front of the door. It was closed since she has a few cats and all of the sudden under the door came a cat paw and grabbed him, pulling him under the door. Thank god no mouth was involved and my mother was quick. He wasn't hurt, but utterly terrified. Unfortunatly he never saw the cat and is now scared of my mom...who is so upset about the whole thing...she was crying for hours. I went over what she needed to do to work with him, earn his trust, ect...but she is going to have a long road now for sure.


Moral of the story, just because the cats aren't around - be careful!

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I know exactly how she feels. One of my poor doggies was killed on the road before Christmas and now my outdoor cat makes free with the dog flap. I was walking down the stairs on Tuesday with Liath and Oisin on each hand, and the cat had got in and jumped at me. She scared both birds and Oisin being a baby and a little clumsy landed on the floor. Luckily I got him before the cat did.


I have been on to the ISPCA to try to get the cat rehomed. I like cats... but not as much as my birds :angry:

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If the cat managed to scrath him and you don't take him to the right now he may not be with you in a couple days.

I know you think he is not hurt but I had this same thing happen to a budgie once two days later Sky my budgie was dead.

So take him to the vet and do the meds even if you don't see anything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry guys, I've been so busy!! Merlin is doing just fine. Healthy as he can be. My mother has now bought a door gaurd that she slips in the gap when she has them out. After a great deal of lecturing from dear old daughter (me), I don't think we will have any more close calls. Bless her heart, she was in tears over the whole thing. Even after the vet said he was fine, she kept calling me all the time "He's doing this, is that okay?", "what about this"...She loves them so much!

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