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Is this normal?


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I have managed to get Gus down to 2 feeds a day. I am more comfortable and see that he is not starving. However, this evening he seemed starved and more than ready for his formula...till I gave it to him. he bobbed, took about 10ml and decided he had had enough, wiped his face all over me and tootled off. Later whilst cuddling he just about swallowed anything that he got near his mouth, my fingers, my glasses, even my ear. I thought "OK, were now really hungry." and mixed up some formula. 20ml late he was done. Is this normal???

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Yes this is normal. After a while he well stop asking to be feed. It more like he is just making sure it is there if he needs it and this is ok. It is important that he knows it is there if he needs it.

If you like you could try just warm foods in the evening cheaper then formula and it gives him that comfort feeding he is seeking.

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This is normal as Tari stated. When Dayo hit about 15 weeks old, he and the other clutch members (6) would act like they were dying. Then when you tried to feed them they would just gurgle most of it back out and down the sides of their cheeks making a big mess of themselves and table. :-)


Aren't they just adorable!!

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Teluhla is doing the same thing, when I bring her into the kitchen to eat she alsmost throws herself into the bowl I am mixing her formula in, then after a bite or two, she starts wondering around the counter to find something more tasty to munch on. I have just started mixing up a tiny bit of formula and having some other food available to eat as well, I am hoping this will help her to see that she has options with her food and that she can start eating big girl food whenever she wants!

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