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hello everyone


I am new here


I am very intrested in getting an african grey

and very colse to getting one


The one im lookin at is 4 years old

and his name is Cinco.


I just had a couple questions.


He can say his name but hasnt been worked with on talkign alot. He is alittle shy. He doesnt get out alot either but it will soon change. Is all this changeable


Like he talks more and he will love getting out?


What does it mean when they are puffed up?

happy or mad? Cause i was petting his head and he was turning his head as soon as i was touching him to see what i was doing but i thought he was gonna bite me.


But i will let everyone know what happens.



I have an Indian Ringneck now. Its not working out to well. He has reverted back to untame but then again he will step up. So i just think he would be happie at a new home cuase he just doesnt seem to like it here. For some werid reason. Cuase all of the animals do. B)




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Hello Justin and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey yo are getting.


So Cinco is about 4 years old and can say his name, he should be able to say a lot more words and phrases, maybe the situation he is in now prevents him from expressing himself more.


You should be able to teach him lots of new words and phrases, he just needs to feel comfortable in his new home and have lots of interaction with him.


He probably will like getting out more but don't push him for more than he is comfortable with so he does not stress out over it. Being older he is more set in his ways and it will take time and lots of patience to work with him but the rewards will be great.


When you go to touch him and he puffs up and turns his head up to see what you are doing he is not comfortable with it and may bite. Give him some space and let him settle down some, he does not trust you yet.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions you may have. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Cinco you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Justin: Great to have you with us. My mainstay advice is PATIENCE , and taking things SLOW for the bird's sense of security, during any transition.

The only thing I may caution you on is that you're having trouble with your ringneck and thinking of re homing him. A grey will take no less effort and can be just as sensitive as a ringneck or even more. Taking on a 4 year old may require more attention and work than a newly weened bird. Ask yourself are you prepared to possibly have to deal with behavior that requires intense time and effort? Re homing can be very stressful on a bird.

Good luck and ask anything you need.

Bruce & Mazy

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Hey thank you all for welcomeing me.


Yes i thought about this and this is the bird i want.

Its not i cant give my ringneck time and all that. Its he has become not bonded to me. So he has become mean. But he got lots of time out so im very sad and comfused on what happened?


Is it better to get a baby?

Because Cinco is a great bird from what i have seen. And i was trying to help him out by getting him out of the home he is in now because you can tell he is not happy. He has the pontieniel of talking. But he doesnt. So i am worried he is just not happy there. :(


I am going over to the house to intreact with him. See what he is all about. I also emailed some breeders in my state asking about price. Cause i Got $350 cash and that Cinco was gonna be $300 so im like YES cause they can be expenive.


Thanks you all again so much.



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Hi Justin:

You'll get lots of good advice here- just keep reading through the posts.

I think it is great you want to give Cinco a better home. It is very possible that he will learn new words and enjoy coming out of the cage more. Since he is 4 it will take time for him to adjust to the changes. Maybe your Indian ringneck will even be happier having another bird around. I think you should keep trying with your Indian ringneck. Maybe it is just going through a phase it will outgrow. Maybe it just needs more one-on-one time with you. Just be sure you are ready for the commitment it takes to have a grey. They live so long and really do need lots of interaction with people. Best of luck and I hope everything works out.

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You guys are so great!!! Thanks for all the help and help im going to get



I have noticed that my indian ringneck has almost become attached to himself


he will sit for hours just looking at him self and danceing and squaking. :ohmy:

Is this possible?


Like mabye he thinks it is a mate.


I get so much nasty bites and i know that african greys can bite too HARD!


But it just seems like he is in love with himself.


And its very hard to bond them back to you because they have become kinda the phrase of a "breeder"


that is what my breeder said :ohmy:


so that is why i havent tried with him anymore because from what i hear alot that they are very hard to get tamed back after they get untame from either abuse or bonding to them selfs or another bird.


Hope that makes since



Thanks so much


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Justin the grey you are thinking of is only 4 so still very young,i have rehomed/rescues greys & it is very rewarding.Do you have any information on the grey ? is he tame ? his diet ? his likes/dislikes etc..With time & patience im sure you will have a friend for life.If you have any specific questions to ask start a new topic in the African grey room :)

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If you get this grey youwill need to get him on a more balance diet, less seeds and more veggies, some fruit, grains, legumes and maybe some pellets. You don't want to be feeding him sweets and such. Read over the threads in the bird food room for lots of feeding suggestions.


Let us know what you are going to do about getting this grey.

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Hey guys here is where i am at


Im not sure what im going to do


If i get cinco or what


There is a bird fair coming a in a month or so i might hold of and see what they have such as african greys or other parrots.


Will let you know ;)


Thank you all so mcuh


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There may or may not be an african grey for sale at the bird fair, if it is anything like when we have the local one here where I live it is mostly smaller type birds for sale, like budgies, canaries, finches, cockatiels and keets.


If a grey is really what you want then this 4 year old is a good bet if you want to offer it a good home with lots of love, attention and a better quality diet.


But whatever decision you do make we will support you, only you can know what you are willing to do and do not hesitate to ask questions before you make a final decision.


Thanks Justin for keeping us informed.:)

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