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A funny story!


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I wanted to share a story with everyone here. I was kind of embarrassed about it when it happened, but now when I look back at it, I can laugh!

After moving into my new house, I had been listening to a smoke detector in my basement beep every 30 seconds or so non stop. No matter what I did, changing the batteries etc, nothing stopped it. So, my nephew who works for the fire dept, suggested replacing it. So one night at about 10pm,I attempted to do just that. Well, the smoke detectors are hard wired in my house with a battery back up. As I (the non-electrician :laugh: ) decided to give it a try, how hard could it be? :whistle: Well, as I connected the new one up, I set off the entire system in my house! No big deal, I thought, I'll just shut the circuit breaker off. So I tried that, but they still kept going off, I killed the power to the entire house, they continued to blare!! I called everyone I knew,(except the fire dept, I was too embarrassed for them to come) no one could knew what to do. I finally called my nephew, who was the 911 operator in another town nearby. He laughed, and called the fire chief of that town to ask how to shut them all off, As they were all having a good laugh, I went around and started taking the battery back up out of them. It took me a while to find where all the smoke detectors were in my new house. I thought I had them all......

( I discovered there were 13 of them in all!!)but there were a couple yelling "fire, fire, fire" non-stop. So, back to the fire chief, who couldn't figure out why they were still going. 1 Hour had passed, the smoke detectors still going off......the house pitch black because I still had the power off, Talon, the 2 parakeets, our cat, our dog, and 2 of my kids all in the dark, awake, listening to the ear piercing alarms, and "fire, fire, fire" still yelling at us. So, I finally ripped the last 2 detectors out of the ceiling, wires and all!! :pinch:


So, come to find out, the last 2 detectors aren't compatible with my system, I had to buy new ones that matched the brand that I had. I just installed them (yes, I attempted this by myself once again....stupid!) When I wired the first one in, I tested it, it set all of the others off, and slowly, they went off one by one. All except one......as I walked all around the house trying to pinpoint which one was still beeping, I finally found out it was Talon!! She was beeping exactly like the smoke detectors non stop. I couldn't get her to stop beeping! :blink:


It amazed me how perfectly she picked that sound up, but I suppose after listening to them, for an hour in the dark, it wasn't too hard. :S The funny thing was, I hadn't heard her make that sound at all after that noisy night we had! I guess she was just waiting to get me.....:evil: :evil: After I saw it was her, I said, "Talon, okay, enough!" And she finally stopped, then laughed at me!! I guess she thought, me playing electrician was funny!!

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What a funny story Penny. :-)


LOL - You reached the point of "I don't give a damn" and "I'm ripping these suckers out wires and all until the sounds stop!!"" :pinch:


Since Talon picked the sound up, you better watch out. You may wake up in the middle of the night to beep beep beep ...fire fire fire...... ;-)

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