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Raising a baby--help!


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I got an african grey at 5 weeks old and have only had him for 4 weeks now. I am still feeding baby food but want to know when I can get him to incorporate other foods. I have read that many people are against inexperienced people from weaning a baby; however, I didn't discover this until recently. I want the best for my bird and would like to read what others have to say to help me.

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Hello RayCat and Welcome!!


Oh Boy, the breeder evidently wanted to unload this highly skilled and important task off to you. :-(


Well, it's too later now I guess for you to have them do the weaning. So, basically keep feeding him ALL his daily feedings and start introducing food items like veggies and fruits of different kinds for him to just pick at and be`come familiar with. Also include Pelleted Parrot food etc for him to try out.


This is called abundant weaning and it exposes them to a plethora of foods, with different textures, colors and tastes. It is also important to start socializing him with other people to ensure he becomes a well rounded and fearless bird when it comes to new people and experiences.


You have quite the task ahead of you, but you came to the right place for great advice.


Please introduce yourself in the Welcome room also. That's where others watch for new members joining. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/02/07 01:54

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My baby is only 10 weeks old and she is home with me now. I hand feed her with a spoon three times a day. I always use a thermometer to test the temp. She also gets lots and lots of other food, dried fruits and veggies, pellets, seeds, fresh stuff, and other things like rice cakes. She picks at everything but her crop is still empty at feeding time everyday. I am going to continue to feed her untill her crop stops emtying between feedings, that way I know that she is starting to eat her big girl food! Good luck I am sure you will do great

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So you have a 9 week old baby. Start putting in all the foods you want him to eat now for him to play with and then just pay attention to him. He will start eating more and more on his own and will let you know when he is ready to drop a feeding...normally by not being as interested or won't be as "into it" as usual. When you know he is eating well on his own drop the afternoon feeding...you still have a few weeks before that though. The morning feeding is the same thing. When he starts getting more into the real food you can drop it. The night feeding is the last to drop and is really more of an imotional thing than nutritional...so keep it around as long as he wants.


I would also like to clear up the usage of the crop as an indication as to when to feed. Baby birds will not fill the crop, and many of them will look empty when they really are not. There will be a small amount of food at the bottom that can be felt when rubbed (lightly). Birds have basicly 2 stomachs, the crop is the storage stomach and will empty slowly as the second stomach empties. That is why baby birds will still cry for food when they have a full crop, because the food has not worked it's way into the "second" stomach...this leads to baby birds getting over fed when someone does not know what the crops "limits" are and the baby can end up with stretched crop that can come with a plethera of problems. Feedings should be done by schedule and feel, not by looks.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/02/07 04:40

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Thanks for that GreYt link Tracy.


I have never seen a week by week photo/weight/comments before like this. It is the first and most complete I have ever seen and provides great guidelines for normal feeding and growth.


I have saved it to my favorites. :-)

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