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Why Greys Make Phone Ring Sounds


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I just had an epiphany today when walking out of the room Dayo was in.


I noticed (FINALLY) that every time I or Kim leaves the room, Dayo makes the Phone ringing sound.......


Then it hit me, he is making it, because every time it rings, we go in that room and answer it!!


He's "Calling" us LOL...can't believe it took me this long to connect the two...Geeeezzzzz. B)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/02/07 00:15

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Yes, they usually use the wolf whistle from the time they are weaned as a "Contact call" to see where you are. Their flock then calls back so they know which direction their in and if they are in hearing distance at all.


The phone ring means, he put 2 and 2 together that Phone Ring = They come and answer. Broken down it means "Come here!!", not where are you. :-)


Just like Kibibis Microwave beep, means come here!! B)


Their intelligence and association with things amazes me each and everyday!!!

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LOL Tracy - Rub it in, rub it in. :-)


I still think it is so cool the way the put 2 and 2 together and come up with an answer that makes sense, once you (the dense owner) finally figure out what new logical deduction they have come up with.


I am suspecting they have many things such as this, that we just are not paying enough attention to realize that they are actually communicating TONS to us.


I am hoping Dayo will stop with the sound and body language soon and just TELL me. :woohoo:

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Que does not ring. But she well make a beeping sounds sometimes when I dial the phone and sometimes she well answer it if I have the answering machine off and it rings to long.

She'll say hello or Pretty Puppy.(my old dog grooming job she use to go to work with me.)

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Funny stuff, guys! I love Tari's Que "Pretty Puppy!"

Klaus isn't doing anything quite like this yet, except if you count the fake "I fell off my perch! Oh, help!" And we stopped reacting to that pretty quickly - especially when he'd do it at 11 pm and I gotta be up at 5. So he pretty much doesn't do it anymore - another example of how smart they are! If it doesn't get a response, might as well discontinue the behavior...

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  • 5 months later...

No one has posted for awhile, but I want to add that Precious rings the phone, caries on a conversation then says 'bye. When the phone does ring she immediately says "Hello." There was a pet shop in nearby Riverside years ago, called B and B Pet Shop. They had a macaw who would answer the phone ring with a "B and--Pet Shop." I'm sure he thought it was superfluous to say "B" twice. kittykittykitty:lol:

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When Winston was with my mom he would ring the phone and answer it. He was so good at ringing the phone that you would have to look and see if the phone was ringing. The last time I went to visit she told me he would answer on the second ring and so you knew after the third ring it was the phone. While everyone was at work I discovered that this wasn't always true. Sometimes he would ring twice, sometimes three times and sometimes forever. I had to tell my mom that her trick doesn't work anymore :ohmy: .


He doesn't ring now, he does the wolf whistle and I whistle back. His lastest sound is a growly sound and I call him the velociraptor :woohoo:.

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These responses are cute! When the phone rings my Macaw answers too. She says hello, uh huh, okay, alright bye bye. But she does become persistant I speak to HER! I have to sometimes go in the laundry room or bathroom to have a phone conversation and apologize for the racket! I've had a few business calls where they recognized it was a Macaw's persistance. Others are baffled.

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:laugh: :laugh: Dan! Well it looks like Dayo is training you quite well!


Now what on earth does it mean when I open the door to the backyard, Bella makes the door opening sound (perfectly - it's frightening!) or when I open the microwave door she makes that door sound :blink: I'm not going to anything - I'm already there!


Maybe it's a female bird mind game :S

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Mel - Thats is cute, but at times I am sure it puts you in an odd position with the calling Party. :-)


Nychsa - We didn't come everytime time he "Rang", so he stopped "Ringing" us. Now he whistles for us in the some tones and number of times I do for the dogs to come. :-) But, thats not working for him either, so I would imagine that will stop soon. :P


You asked "Maybe it's a female bird mind game " , maybe she's just adding the sound effects to let you know she's "With You" in your actions. :-) Or, the sound bugs her and she really wishes you would oil those to stop that sound. :P<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/07/17 14:53

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