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really worried mummy


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hi guys

i bit worried today bout alfie e really isnt his self at all when i got up this mornin e didnt make a sound for ages and when e did e was real crokey like e had cough or something, got him out this evenin when i got in from work and e really agressive and biting me,i noticed a few times e keeps pokin the side of his beak with his tongue or rubbin his beak real hard of my arm could e be sick or have something wrong in his mouth im thinkin of bringin him vet after work tom,although it first time i been so i hopin that they will know bout cag.:(

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Has alfie eaten today ? is it possible he may have had something that has stuck in his crop ?

Beak rubbing is very normal behaviour in greys,Rapid "clicking" of the tongue against the beak generally means "I want to be friendly, I won't hurt you".


Beak Grinding is like the

sound of a child grinding his teeth at night, and is It is a sign of a bird feeling secure and content. This will often be heard after your bird settles in for the night, right before he drops off to sleep, and sometimes during sleep.



Beak clicking is a sharp, consistent "clicking" sound used when a bird feels threatened.


If you feel that alfie is not right or in pain then yes a vet visit is in order.

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Both mine do what you describe, its like they are sticking their tongue out sideways... if he is eating ok, there probably isnt much wrong. The big problem is that there are no vets near here that do Greys.


There is one in Wicklow if you really need one, I can send you the info, but I have checked all the ones in town and only one said they would do "emergency first aid". I can give you their info if you want it.


Out of curiosity... could he be rubbing his beak off your arm to clean it? Maybe he doesnt like the sticky feeling of the pear?

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Tongue-clicking or rubbing By clicking her tongue against her beak or around it suggests your bird may be entertaining herself or asking to be petted or picked up.Normal behaviour nothing to be concerned about,rubbing his beak on your arm he is either cleaning his beak if has just eaten, mine do this or it can be showing affection . Is he still sounding croaky ?

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I would suggest, if this is not a behaviour he usually displays AND he is not acting like himself. To take him to a good avian vet and have him checked out.


Anytime one notices their bird of any type is acting different from normal, should observe them carefully and take them to the vet if it continues for the day.


We all know every intricate detail and nuance of our birds. Much like we know our child is sick if they act out of the ordinary and the way they look. When their behaviour or looks change, somethings wrong. :-)

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