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I have a couple different play stands. One is store bought, which Saphira is okay with, but she seems to really love the PVC units that I have built. I wrap sisal twine around 1/2" PVC pipe for the perching parts and use 3/4" PVC for the frame work. The twine gives her a better grip on the perch (we all know how graceful greys can be).


Here is the store bought one: it is by Prevue. I have even tried wrapping the wood perch with twine, but she still seems to like my PVC creations better.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is Aries new play area..this stuff was all bought from www.bird.com..but hey its cool!












The boing is connected to his cage..and there is a toy hanging from it, it then leads up to the hanging gym and is conncted to that..which has a great java toy on it too!

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This is fantastic!


Is there a tutorial on how to make your own playgyms? I am very interested to make one if I know what it needs. I often buy ropes perch and hang it around their big cages they seem to enjoy it but would love to build something smaller so I can put it on a table when I move around the house.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Suzzique, those are some awesome playstands! How did you make the little 'netting' on the back of that one? Also, those wrap around ropes that I'm seeing everywhere, does anyone know where I can get one cheap? The only ones I've seen are like $40 and that's really pricey I think...or make one maybe?:S

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  • 4 months later...

All those stands are made with great love for your birds and this is what really matters and why your birds love them... nice job guys, you gave me lots of ideas...



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My parrots absolutely love their gym! It's a hanging one and also serves as an activity center beause I regularly rotate their favourite toys on it. They both like to sit on it and gaze out the window and watch the world go by. A playgym is pretty indispensable in my opinion. Here's a picture of Emma. he.jpg


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lovethatgrey wrote:

Msvoluptous wrote:
Lovethatgrey Oh goodness I LOVE that video! Your baby is soo sweet and I added you to my Youtube subscription too. I can't wait to get my baby....


No problem. Your life is going to change so much when you get your baby! I'm so excited for you!B)


Aww Thank You I am soo excited!

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Timnehmommi wrote:

WOW! I enjoyed seeing all the great play gyms! Here is a pic of one we worked on for Adaya. It's one of her favorite spots!


Here are photos before and after. :)








after.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Timnehmommi, at: 2009/03/11 11:21


I have that same one! It should be here anytime today. What is that wrapped around the circle? You gave me some ideas too.Thank you

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Timnehmommi wrote:

WOW! I enjoyed seeing all the great play gyms! Here is a pic of one we worked on for Adaya. It's one of her favorite spots!


Here are photos before and after. :)








after.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Timnehmommi, at: 2009/03/11 11:21


Ah!! Your gym looks awesome! A real playcenter!;)

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I have a playstand exactly like that and I love what you did to it to make it more enjoyable, love that background it really makes it colorful looking, thanks so much for sharing that with us, gives me some ideas of how to improve Josey's.:whistle:

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