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Well, Greyce is doing better everyday. She still won't let me get her out. She is doing better at trying to eat me when I change out coop cups. I have found that if I tell her what a gird bird she is with a whole lot of glee:) when she is not being aggressive, when she starts toward me she isn't as forceful. And if when she starts to nip, I sweetly but firmly say Are you going to be a good girl, she goes from trying to nip to pretending she wasn't going to:lol:


She also has gotten a bit bolder, which is great because she is becoming more comfortable. She keeps flying off her cage to the ground. The dogs have been awesome!! They don't bum-rush her, rather just kind of start toward slowly and stop when I tell them. She will let me pick her up from the ground with ease. So I've been whisking her off to another room and doing step ups and letting her hang out on my arm for a bit. She still won't let me touch her (scratches or the like) otherwise...but we are getting there!!:)

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Muse, that's awesome, but let me give you a fair warning about potential conspiracies coming your way! :ohmy:


I've discovered Bella and the dogs have a racket worked out. Yesterday I made myself a nice, open-faced, roast turkey sandwich. Bella promptly helped herself to it while I was on the phone :angry:


She snatched the turkey and did one of her good old "flings" and tossed the meat to the greyhounds and then she made off with the bread :dry: !


Then I had some House Special soup. You'd think she would have gone for the veggies - NO! She went right for the chicken, snatched herself some, took a bite or two and tossed the rest to the dogs. :woohoo:


I'm telling you - this is organized crime right in front of your nose :ohmy: They've got this plan in for me and they're working it!


So, be careful - your dogs will become the stoolies for The Grey Pack leader pretty soon (otherwise known as "The Boss") and the next thing you know, nothing on your plate will be safe any more!

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Nychsa: Are you kidding? My Chihuahua has that position filled. Slight as she may be at 2.5 lbs...I can't leave my food anywhere, the little acrobat will get anywhere and gobble a whole dinner plate in 2.5 seconds and she will eat anything. Dakota, my Shepherd is the only one I can trust with my food!:lol:

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Muse that is soo good to hear I'm really happy for you! It is good that this is happening relatively quickly for you. I know how the little things can get to you as it has with my SweetHeart. Keep up the good work! SweetHeart is 9 months old on the 10th and I still can't give her scratches she doesn't like it at all! But baby steps!;)

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Muse that is soo good to hear I'm really happy for you! It is good that this is happening relatively quickly for you. I know how the little things can get to you as it has with my SweetHeart. Keep up the good work! SweetHeart is 9 months old on the 10th and I still can't give her scratches she doesn't like it at all! But baby steps!;)

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