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Cage Banging!


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Well, when Charlie wants to be let out of his cage, he does the most annoying thing....... His cage has a small gap between the door, and a little circle that keeps it shut. He will go upside down on the top of his cage and bang the metal together, which make a racket!!! Now, I've heard of cage banging birds that do this out a nerotic behavior (such as feather plucking, constant squaking, and other repeitive behavoire due to lack of a stimulating enviroment.) But I think Charbar does it because he knows it annoying me. Well, either that or because he knows it gets resaults!!!


I swear, he stops,points his eyes through the little bars, and stare at me to see if i've gotten the message. If I ignore him, he continues. Now, he doesent do it if I'm out of the room, and only once in a while have I heard him do this with only my boyfriend in the room (he's a sucker, and lets him out every time!)

Has anyone else's parrot done this?

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I can say truthfully that Josey has not done this cage banging you are describing, what a hoot that must be to watch, but seriously if he is let out when he does it no wonder he continues, it brings the wanted results. You need to ignore this, and that will be difficult to do but it must be done or he will drive you crazy with this. Greys are so smart and learn quickly what works.

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chickendog: Mazy will go to the top of her cage and poke between the bars and lift and drop the top tray with a loud banging much to her delight. When she was younger she did it a lot and I had to work hard not to respond as I didn't want her to think she could get my attention this way. Soon she stopped it altogether for a year or 2 and just the last few months she has begun again. This time she only does it when she's in the extreme get my attention mode. It appears to be at times we would regularly be playing together in our daily routine, but for some reason or another I am unable to. So, she is using this ploy to strongly get her point across. I'm finding it to be her way of emotional expression and her putting an exclamation point on her statement. Like a kid calling for you, and when you don't respond they then yell for you.

Ignore it and it'll go away.

Bruce & Mazy

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I try to ignore it, but my boyfriend will always say "Aw, come on, its not lke he can tell you what he wants" And I give in...... Or else HE will give in to Charlie when I'm not home. (We live together, so Char gives him the same crap!) He will let him out of the cage all day, them when I get home, he wont tell me, and Char will bang and bang bang like he hasent seen the light of day in weeks!! Whe, of course, he was out when i wasent home...!!!


Sneaky Sneaky!:whistle:

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My bird likes to do anything that makes noise. For instance, he has a large glass dish with handles that I put on the table when he is out eating, filled with water. He discovered he can make a ringing sound by plucking on the side of the dish with his beak. He loves doing this! Also, he discovered that although he can't move the dish or push it off the table he can lift up one corner and then bang it down. This scares my little dog and he goes running out of the kitchen to Lyric's delight. He loves doing that just to see the dog responding. They love getting attention any way they can, don't they?

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