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Play Time


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Teluhla and her new family are getting along very well. However I feel like I am at a loss as to how to play with her. When she is out of her cage she mostly just wants to sit on my chest while I am on the couch and be petted. Sometimes she likes to play with a toy or two but she mostly does that by herself. She is still weaning and she doesn't really have a favorite treat, so it has been hard to try and work on tricks with her, plus she is still pretty little. How do you guys play with your babies?

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That is mostly what Liath did when she was little too. She probably just wants cuddles right now. Keep giving her different toys too, the more you can expose her to while she is young the better in the long run.


Enjoy the cuddles, some greys dont like them !

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When my TAG was little he liked it when I'd cover both of us up with a blanket and talk to him and sing to him underneath it. I think it reminds them of being in the nestbox- dark, safe and warm.

Now that he is older he mostly wants to sit and chew on something by himself but we interact with each other all the time. He likes it when I sing to him or just talk about anything. Sometimes I read stories to him just so he can listen to my voice. He gets new toys often and it doesn't take him long to get used to new things because when he was little I'd give him new things to play with all the time. As your bird gets older you will notice what kind of toys she prefers- Mine likes bells and anything that makes noise.

Try playing peek-a-boo and other baby-like games with your grey and see how she likes that. The more interaction with you the better!

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Your fid is still just little so it's not too bad if she only wants to cuddle, but you do gradually want to start cutting down on the cuddling and play games with her or else she'll fail to develop independance and only want to be cuddled and do nothing else when she's older. Birds still need lots of cuddles for bonding and reassurance but that can't be all they do. she won't start learning how to be a 'big birdie' if you still treat treat her like a little bird all the time. but again, your bird is still really little so just keep on trying.

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Alex at a year still likes his cuddles but we do lots of other things as well. He does a few tricks. He is not food motovated so he gets tons of prase when he does what I want him to. I get excited and tell him good bird and he will even get a kiss. This works quit well. His fav thing to do is flip upside down pick up a toy from the table and flip back up. I have used this trick to start teaching him his colors. He now knows red, purple and yellow but not well enough to add a forth yet. I use baby links that are only one color for this. When I filp him I tell him what color I want. He is not afraid of anything except bath time. He HATES bath time. :(

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