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anyone make up their own mixture of food?


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if so do you have kinda a recipie.. I go to the organic food store and pick up a few things for the birds.. I get some oats,grain and bean sprouts.. I also pick up organic grapes,strawberrys,cantilope and apples.The new guy I got evidently isn't a veggie eater or fruit eater so (i worry he isn't getting enough nutrients) I am having a hard time getting him to eat.. I also would liket o get some kind of organic food mix.. Ideas? recipies? pass em along pics would be great as well:)

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Sounds like you might be interested in feeding the mash diet and doing some sprouting of grains, seeds and legumes. The mash diet is a mixture of sprouts, fresh vegetables, a little fruit, sometimes some cooked whole grains, legumes, and sweet potatoes. Check out Feeding Feathers, a Yahoo forum, for great diet information!


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I do all sorts of things for Greyce. We do oatmeal and use organic unsweetened juice instead of water and cut up fruit and veggies in it. Last night I steamed Broccoli, Caldiflower and Carrots and seasoned them with Cayenne and Cumin...she loved them. She's doing much better in the food department than when I got her 2 weeks ago. At that time she would only eat seed and bannana and apples if I was eating it.

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  • 6 months later...

My Coco loves anything pureed so i sometimes feed him a bit of oatmeal, cooked with water and a bit of honey or pureed carrots and potatoes (or whatever i have on hand) with a bit of water and sweetened with honey. He usually gobbles it up like he has never eaten before.


I also sometimes cook a mixture of barley, wheat, white rice and mixed vegetables for him or give him a dry mix of bran, oatmeal and flaxseeds. I hope this helps!

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