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I googled "Grey Forum" and here I am!

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Honestly, Thats how I found this place!


Hey! This is Charlie's story: When I was about 9 years old, my mom's friend got an Timneh Grey. He was the biggest, scariest, most coolest bird I'd ever seen!! Charlie set me on my parrot loving ways. As I got older, I never really saw Charlie anymore. I had a few parakeets, and couple cockateils, which were fun, but it was the large parrots that always got my attention. One day, when I was 17 years old, my mom burst into my room and says "Do you want Charlie?" "Huh?" "Charlie, Sylvia's parrot?" Oh Ya!!! After parrot proofing my room, and then begging my mom to keep him, he came home with me.

I then found out that they were feeding him WILD BIRD FOOD. I transfered him to seed, then Zupreems. (He's still a seed junkie, and I'm afraid he'll "relapse" if he dosent get pellets.)

He was a mean bird, who bit, and cowered in his cage. And I ws terrified of him! We moved to Montana for a few months, and there he kind of came out of his shell. He started to talk and whistle the way he did at his first home.

When we moved back here, he was willing to come out side his cage, and sit on the back of the couch. (At this point I was still not touching him, he just had free range.) Well, he walked up to my face, made a kissing soud, and I swear, gave me a kiss! Ever since then, Charlie and I have been best friends! I'm 21 now, and have had my baby now for 3 years. And yes, HE is the other man in my life!


My "flock" also includes a Meyers parrot, Scooby, a beautiful silver pearl cockiteil, Nezzie, And my wonderfuly tolerant kitty Gizmo. (I only include him because I trust him with my birds.)<br><br>Post edited by: ChickenDog, at: 2008/02/04 13:46

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Hello Chickendog and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Charlie.


I know that this is the way you found us for I have searched the internet myself and if you put in grey and forum, we come up first, and we are the best by far as you will find out.


That is such a wonderful story of how you came to get Charlie, it was meant for you to have him and I know you take very good care of him, and he is a man you can trust, believe me.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask us specific questions you may have. We will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Charlie you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:P

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Thank you guys for the warm welcome!


I want to get pictures up, but I need to either find the cable to the camera, or just get a new digital camera. I do have tons of paper pictures, but no scanner. But i will eventually, but in the mean time, i'll look through all these topics, and information!

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Chickendog welcome here :) I hope you will like it. Charlie obviously needed 'some' time to feel comfortable with you and you knew exactly how to let him feel that way B)

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