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Adding another grey


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We have one grey and he is 10 months old and now we are going to get a baby girl to join him. We are going to visit the baby in a couple of weeks. Is it a good idea to take the bird we have now with us to be introduced to the baby for a short period, just to see how he reacts to her?

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He probably won't like her. The rule of thumb when it comes to getting another bird is NEVER count of the birds getting along. You will need to be ready for 2 cages, 2 stands, and even 2 different out of cage times. If you bring him to see her he will not be his usual self and may seem to like her, but as soon as you bring her home he could try to hurt her. I have a 10 month old as well and he loves to watch the finches that I have. He screams at them, watches their every move, and sometimes he jumps onto their cages to get a better look at them. All seems fine and dandy but the second one of those finches gets out he goes into Kill Mode and is completly wild. I was bitten in his finch rage once and had to towel him to remove him from the room. I tell you this as a warning because he loves the finches as long as they are in their cage, but his feelings change once they are in his space. So, once the baby is home slowly introduce them, but I don't think the visits will really do any good.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/02/04 13:55

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As BMustee says be perpared for two of everything to begin with, once you know when your new grey will be coming home set the cage up for the new arrival & talk/tell your exsisiting grey what is going to happen,start useing your new babies name in the house this will help your grey to accept something is going on.Once home supervize them both at all times, As your grey is still so young you do have a good chance of then getting along,bear in mind they might not ! I wouldnt advise taking your grey on visits, just involve him in the ways i have said :)

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Great advice given here. I have two greys that share a cage and I'm now considering seperating them. I have the cages to do so and like many before me stated it is a great idea to have two of everything just in case they do not get along.

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Thanks, we have 2 of everything and are really prepared. We have read alot about introducing a 2nd bird ie. do everything for the first bird before the 2nd one, separate cages etc.


We are getting the grey from the same breeder we got our 10 month from, so we thought it would be good for him to see them all again. I know that sounds stupid as I don't even know if he will remember any of his first 3 or so months that he lived there. I guess I was just hoping if he feels involved with everything he will cope better.

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Hi Jane,


Well if it is the same breeder, then that may be a good idea. Dayo remembers our breeder and goes with us every time we go over to visit. I believe they remember those that hand-fed them very well.


He loves to interact with the other babies of various species such as B&G Macaws, Greys, Suns etc.


Talk it over with your breeder and see what they think . :-)

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Its funny but my older grey LOVES the new kid... unfortunately the new kid is not so fond of the older one! Liath thought all her Christmasses came together when we got Oisin, she is totally besotted with him, but Oisin wont let Liath anywhere near him.


He will just about let her share a perch now... but she must keep her distance or else :angry: . And if he needs a scratch he will let her do the honours... but once he has had enough he lets her know!!


Baby Oisin knows who is boss in our house!

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i brought a new baby which is a boy i started of with them both in different cages then just after two weeks i put them in toghters and they get on very well the baby one who is only 5 months copies my older one who is 13 months ,i dident think they would get on so well and end up in the same cage but was told as they are so young that was why

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Im so pleased to hear that shazbaby, i do personally think that there is this misconception that if you have more than one grey they will not bond with you but with eachother.More & more people especially in here in the UK are purchasing more than one grey, i do believe & know from many people who have multiple greys that they do still bond with their human flock.I personally interact with my greys every day & i believe consistent human contact preserves that bond.

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