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Smart Birds


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I really wanted to watch a documentary on TV last night and we all sat in the living room. As soon as it started our little grey decided he was going to start talking. I told him to be quiet as I couldn't hear and he actually laughed at me. I was so shocked. He talked all the way through the program and then as soon as it had finished he was as quiet as a mouse, wouldn't say boo. He sat there and looked at me like he was so proud of himself. I had to laugh, what a character. I swear he knew exactly what he was doing.


I swear this bird does things just to wind me up. Like when I get comfy on the soffa and he then decides right how can I annoy her. So he flies up on the curtains and yells "get down". I then have to go into the kitchen and then he comes down. He does this numerous times and thinks it's so funny.


My boyfriend thinks its so funny as well as he himself also does things to wind me up. I think the bird is getting it from him.

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Hi Jane


Your grey sounds like quite a character.


My grey (Gizmo) would sit quietly on my shoulder and not make a sound. As soon as I start talking to someone or paying attention to something else, he would start biting on my earings, cause he knows he gets a rise out of me that way.


These birds are really intelligent and know exactly how to push your buttons. LOL



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Elmo does the same things, but god forbid I disturb him when he is watching HIS shows...he sits at the edge of the bed and watches Two and a half Men every night and laughs when something funny happens. But then I'm watching the Superbowl last night and do you think he would stop barking and carying on, no. To top it off he kept coming up to my face and blocking my view of the TV. He's just lucky he didn't make me miss the final plays!


I still can't get over how smart they are, I knew they were but I never would have thought they had such a human personality.

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you know I think my boyfriend and the bird do have secret conversations. After work I got to the gym and give them 2 hours so that they can work on their bonding. The bird loves me the best, but he never learns anything from me, everything he learns comes from my boyfriend. Within 2 days my boyfriend had him woofing like a dog. They play catch together and the bird runs after the ball barking like a dog.

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