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Palm Nuts and Sugar Cane


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This weekend we gave our boy some palm nuts and sugar cane for the first time. He went absolutely nuts over both of them. He had the sugar cane stripped in no time. I watched his eyes when he had the palm nut and his pupils were getting small then big, small then big and I could see how excited he was. It gave us alot of pleasure to see him so happy.

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I recently got fresh Palm Nuts for Dayo. So far he chews on them a bit, but not really seeing that he is enthusiastic with them.


I well try sugar cane, it is in the produce section of the super market I frequent all the time. Though I doubt it is very healthful, it is probably a fun sweet treat like grapes, apples and other such sweet fruits. :-)

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I have read the the sugar cain is good for a treat once in a while, but like people shouldn't get it very often. They sell a sugar cain stick treat at my store, and I would imagine they would be at others. As for the Palm nuts, I have never seen them. Where do they sell them at?

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Just my opinion, sugar cane may be fine for a very occasional treat, but it is not nutritious and has the obvious ingredient, sugar! I might give it (though never have, and it's sold commonly here) once a month or less. It's fun to shred, but then so are bird-safe branches and greenery, and I prefer giving that to my birds. I often provide fresh cut bamboo, hibiscus, bottle brush, citrus branch, leafy guava branch, banana leaves or something on that order. The birds love to shred the natural branches.


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