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Moving stuff around?


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Is it bad to move everything in a Grey's cage around? My girlfriend and I just now did, it actually made it a lot roomier. He acted fine and he is sleeping now, but I thought that usually stresses them out? I feel bad though I accidentally pinched his foot in the door a little, I think it scared him more than hurt him :( I feel horrible about it though.

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Move it around all you want, he will let you know if it bothers him, but from what you described he was fine with it, so don't sweat the small stuff.


Ouch, I hope he doesn't hold that against you, pinching his foot in the door, be more careful in the future, he might not be so forgiving.:P

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Yeah, I actually thought it was kind of mandatory to move their stuff around, and also to rotate toys in and out in order to keep them from getting bored. I do this every other week, approx. Even down to the smallest thing, like angling his ladder in a different direction.

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Along with frequently rotating new toys in and out of the cage, I also occasionally move stuff around but some things always remain in the same spot. For example, Kibibi likes to sleep on top of a toy in the top corner of her cage. So I leave that toy in the cage and in the same spot all the time.

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Yeah Cosmo for some reason sleeps on his food dish and I really can't move that so he is fine with it. I have always since I got him changed the toys around and exchanged them. This is the first time he has had his swing moved and sandy perches. He seemed fine with it today though. Thanks for all the help everyone.

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