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Hello Everyone,


I get to share my life with my two African Grey's, Nala (a 13 yr old TAG), and Rosie (a 5 yr old CAG). I love them sooooo much. I'm having a problem with Rosie shredding her feathers, so am trying Aloe Vera spray. It is so dry here in Calgary. It breaks my heart to see her rip at herself!

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Hello Debbie and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your two greys, Nala and Rosie.


Have you had these two since they were babies? Do you have any other birds or pets in your household? I know I am being nosy but we like to know a little about our members since we consider ourselves a family here.


I am sorry to hear of the shredding feathers problem but the air being so dry is probably causing their skin to be dry and itchy but the aloe vera juice may help. Have you considered using a humidifier to raise the humidity in your house, sometimes that helps dry skin.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask us specific questions you may have. We do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Nala and Rosie you would like to share with us we would love to see them.:)

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Oops! Sorry! I decreased your karma! I didn't mean to, was just checking out what the "thumbs" meant.


Hope you can forgive me.


Anyway, no problem with the questions. Have you met a bird person who doesn't like talking about their birdies?


I have had Nala since she was 10 weeks old. I now realize that was probably a little early for her to be fully weaned from the breeder, but didn't know enough at the time to ask more questions.


I have known Rosie since she was about the same age, but was not her owner. I worked in a pet store, and hand fed her etc. When it came time for me to go back to school, Rosie was still at the pet store and didn't handle this very well. After being back at school for one week, Rosie chewed approx half her feathers overnight, and stopped eating. My boss called me and told me to come get her (she knew we were bonded). So that is how Rosie came into my life!


Thanks for the information re: her dry skin. Yes I do have a humidifier but am paranoid that I am not keeping it clean enough!

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Thats ok about the karma, I have plenty.:laugh:


Thats so sweet about Rosie, she knew she belonged to you and I know that made you feel so special. So she has started up the plucking again, maybe the aloe vera juice spray will help her skin feel better, hope so.


I guess we all love talking about our birds and I love hearing about other's birds and what they are doing and saying, some of the members have shared some really funny stories with us about their antics.

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Welcome Debbiesgirl:

This sight and the people who make it up are so helpful and loving towards the well being of our birds. Don't be shy and be sure to ask what you need. There are many threads to read on plucking and many have experience with this.

Good luck and look forward to pictures.

Bruce & Mazy

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