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Fluffing up


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Hi I have Just recently joined this forum and recently become an owner of an African Grey. He is called Alfie and he is 16 Weeks old, I was able to approach hiim with no problems at one stage but now the only person that can approach him is my partner whom Alfie has become very attached to. He fluffs all he feathers up when I attempt to strokoe him Any advice gratefully received........:(

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I am sorry Markh, but Alfie has chosen your partner as his favorite and a lot of greys do that. Not much you can do about that but continue to spend time with him and be the one to offer treats, he can still have a good relationship with you just not like with your partner.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little about yourself and this grey you speak of.:P

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copied from exoticpets...





African greys tend to be quite cautious with new situations and new people, although devoted to their owners. They have a reputation as one-person birds, but that is largely because often only one person in a household spends enough time with a grey to really form a close bond. Make an effort to socialize a grey with lots of people, although you will have to give your parrot the chance to become comfortable with any new person.


A grey will happily interact with more than one person as long as the effort is made by each person to spend enough time to earn the trust and companionship of the bird.

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Welcome from Alaska Markh: Since this is just beginning and your bird is young this is the time to work with heavily. Your bird has chosen a favorite but now is the time for you to gain the birds affections and respect. Bribe with treats, be non-threatening always making sure the bird feels secure, and just be soft and calming when you are around. Exposure and patience by you at this early stage is the time to gain the trust.

Bruce & Mazy

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Mazy is right on. Spend lots of time with your new Grey out and even if it means just sitting next to your partner while the new Grey is with them, it will still gain his trust and confidence in having you close.


Try to interact with him as well at that time and offer treats, head scratches etc. Just don't force it though, if he gets defensive just back off slightly until he is no longer "Alerted".


The key is try, try ,try and tons of patience in developing this bond. He is still only a baby and should adapt well to both of you over time, but one will end up being the favorite cuddle muffin, while the other will be looked upon as a member of the flock and given the privilege to give a scratch, when they decide it's ok. :-)

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