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Help! Feather plucking POOR BIRD!


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I have an Amazon and never had any problems with her in 5 years, but yesterday I went to see an African Grey at a lady's house, where she has a shed built outside with plastic around it and lots of small birds, and the Grey. She used to own a petstore. Anyway. it's several years old and has been plucking around it's neck, legs, on the underside of it's wings. The rest of it's feathers were somewhat raggady. He climbed on me and wouldn't get off. I finally got it back on it's cage and it would hold it's head down to be petted. It was cold and shivering. I left and reworked my budget and got a HUGE loan from my boss! and lastnight I called her and tuld her I would buy the bird. I can't pick it up until tomorrow, she will be out of town today. I couldn't hardly sleep thinking about it being so cold outside for the next two nights. I usually work with abused dogs and have two that others thought were beyond hope, and are wonderful and trusting now, so I've never dealt with a bird that has some kind od problem. But tomorrow I will begin and hopeful it will become a happy healthy bird. Any comments will be helpful.

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Hey. African greys are so intelligent.. There could be several reasons why that poor baby is plucking.. He seems like he bonded with you immediately, they are usually one person birds.. He most likely was plucking for a combination of reasons. Lack of attention. Which means it's a behavioral problem. If he plucks in front of you, don't say anything just walk away.. Come back later with positive reinforcement.. They create lots of dander and it becomes irritating to the skin if he never gets bathed.. The skin under the feathers could be extremely itchy..


Mine has done it in the past but luckily learned that it wasn't something to get attention.. she got the opposite.. So she stopped and hasn't plucked in forever. I'm glad you saved her from the shed.. Doesn't sound like a fun place to live. Give him lots of love and toys and keep talking to him and he should return back to normal. if he doesn't, take him to the vet and they can help you out:)

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  • 1 year later...

My first TAG was in the same type of situation .After this bird comes home and gets all the attention and love you will give , Just like our bird it will stop . Our TAG had pulled out all his chest feathers and he stopped as soon as we brought him him , gave him plenty of attention , baths , and good food , and try spoon feeding to help with the bonding issue for about a week at breakfast if you can . Congrats to you and you are a good person to do this .

Lucky Bird !!!!!


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There could be a zillion reasons your new friend is plucking. It sounds like its living conditions were pretty rough. Since you have a happy healthy Amazon it will probably be a good idea to keep them apart until your new friend has a chance for an avian vet check up. If I were you I would e-mail either DanMcq or Dave007 of this forum. They are what I would call the resident "Docs" They have a world of good advice and expertise. And Kudos to you for having such a big and kind heart to rescue a Grey in need. Bravo!!!

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