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Older Greys


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I am looking into getting a 10 year old, sold as talking and tame, the question I would like help with is basically 'Can you teach an older parrot, new tricks?', i.e., do they learn so much vocabulary-wise, then that's it!

I have some experience from childhood, but this was through younger birds, that were mainly my parents pets.


Help of any kind would be much appreciated, from anyone that has purchased an older bird particularly, but anything else would be equally helpful and appreciated

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Hi & Welcome,Firstly do you have any background on the bird ? how was he treated, Is he bonded to anyone,Older birds can certainly be successful, but there is lot of potential for problems. An older bird that is not tame will be very difficult to tame & require a great amount of time spent working with him.A tame older parrot may be very bonded to its previous owner and many not be as tame with a new owner,at the very least it may take time and patience to get such a bird to fully trust and start to bond with you,I would say be prepared to accept the bird for what he is, if he extends his vocabulary then treat it as a bonus.

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Thanks for that, at the moment I only have that he is 'tame and talking'. Was told when I rang about his age. I was hoping to get more information from the owner face-to-face. I have been told the grey is staying with a good friend of his, due to his girlfriend being pregnant. Hopefully by seeing the interaction between bird and humans I'll see how much potential there is.


Might be easier to put the extra money in for a 'baby'. Then again, if he is a nice, well looked-after bird, would be willing to take him on and perservere with him, hopefully get him used to me eventually.

If get him, will keep you up-to-date on how he's doing if you want.

Thanks again :)

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I would check him out,i can say from both points of view, yes a baby is great, i have two greys i got at 4 months old but i also have two greys who were re- homes/rescues & i can say hand on heart taking on an older bird is very rewarding, Yes you will need time & patience for him to gain your trust, & it may be a challenge but im sure in time you can have a rewarding realtionship with him.Please do keep us up to date on things :)

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Rik: Glad you could join us. I have a 13 yr. old grey and she is constantly bringing on new words and phrases. They continue to learn and mimic. She expores her world and exhibits new behaviors all the time. They grow as we do constantly changing. An older bird probably has a set routine and progressing slowly and with infinite patience will be your keys. It will take a while and there is definitely going to be a transition period for the bird, but if done right you can make this easy for him.

Read about bringing home a new bird in many of the threads in this forum. This is a great and helpful group of grey lovers. All your questions will get answered. I hope you get your bird. We'll get into bringing home and how it specifically relates to your circumstances when you make your decision. Since we're world wide there is always someone on to help. I'm looking forward to your decision. Remember this bird at 10 years will probably be with you the rest of your life, so ask yourself first , are you ready to make that commitment?

Good luck

Bruce & Mazy

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Thanks everyone so far, of been great help.

Looking so far, I am seeing the balance is more towards a younger bird. I am definitely swaying more towards going for maybe not a baby, but ideally somewhere between 26 weeks and 2 years, so it is still easier to adapt, but not quite as needy as a newly-weaned baby.


Another thing that is slightly putting me off getting the 10 year old grey I have enquired about, and am supposed to meet Saturday or Sunday, how can I definitely tell if it is that age. The owner has no birth certificate and as far as I know it is not dna aged. Known from the small previous experience I have that once the 'baby eyes' go, it is quite hard to age accurately.


Thank you again everyone, hopefully that right Grey for me will come soon :(

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I took in a 12 year old female CAG about 18 months ago. I am very lucky in that she had very little baggage whatsoever. She was in a loving home that just knew they couldn't care for her like she deserved anymore so wanted to find someone who could and would. Within a couple weeks she started picking up words and phrases from our house (like "Go lay down" when our dog starts whining"). She still stays things that we haven't heard before and we've never said as far as I know so she's kept that somewhere inside from her previous home(s) (the woman had gotten her from a rescue organization so we don't know her history for her first 6 years really). Fortunately nothing too bad (yet!) :-). Also, I'm taking her age as I was told just as she did from the rescue org. I guess it doesn't really matter as hopefully she'll live out a few more decades anyway.


She's never bitten (well, once...but my husband deserved it for not paying attention) and settled into our home within a month.


Not telling you what you should do, just letting you know that not all rehomed birds have major issues. Sometimes it's just a really good home that for whatever reason want or need to find a new home for the bird. Often it's because they love the bird and care for them that they want them in a better place than they feel they can provide. You can tell sometimes by how many questions they ask YOU about what you know and how you would care for them and your experience and if you have an avian vet picked out and what kind of cage do you have and do you have a playstand and...I was on the phone for over two hours before the woman agreed to have me come meet with her and the birds in her home. She asked me to bring pictures of my home and where I would be putting the cages, etc. I knew she really cared about the home she was sending her birds into (it was actually my CAG and male ekkie at the same time).



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Firstly, thank you everyone on this discussion. I am pleased to announce I have just picked up 2 x year-old Congo African Greys. So far they are proving all books wrong, eating within seconds, and on my hands and shoulders within 2 minutes of ever meeting them.

Will keep you updated with info, and pics when get them available :P

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Names are Buster and Diamond. Just over a year old. Are from same clutch, so would of been a shame to split them now. Not tried them out of the cage till I am sure they are 110% happy with everything, will hopefully get a basic pic. up straight after this though.

Had them on my hands and shoulder when still with seller, so know they are tame. Not going to push them though, everything @ their pace, not my very-impatient one! :lol:

Thought better having both, due to work, so have each other to keep company while everyone is out

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Few hitches with pics, thought it was the site playing up, but is because they are too big dimention-wise. Give it few days and I may let them have 5 minutes peace and get round to sorting them.

Thank you for all support, know I'll probably need lot more in future. :)

Best go and teach them about bed-time, we've had company, so are full of life now. Just want to come out and play. Know they'll be fine, just need to bird-proof room of all 'sharp' objects and make sure they have somewhere to land and perch.

Might look into another cage too in near future, one got with them is not exactly too small, but, think a slightly bigger one would be better for them since in there for while. Better check the finances!!! :(

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