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I have a question. My baby grey has been doing a lot of screaming the past few weeks and I couldn't figure out the cause. The past two nights, my fiance has been working night shift, which left me and Gizmo home alone. To my surprise, he didn't scream once. He was so loveable and well behaved. WOW!


This tells me that he must have some issue with my fiance. How do I figure out what it is?

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Hi Danmcq


Well, he has been complaining that everytime he tries to scratch Gizmo's head the past 2 weeks, he bites him.


He does play with him whenever I let Gizmo out of the cage, but does not spend nearly as much time with Gizmo as I do.


He has also never fed him before. I used to feed his formula before he started eating.

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Ok Hanna - It does not sound like your Grey hates him, but does not have the close loving connection with your fiance that he has with you.


At least your Grey is not screaming or growling at your fiance. If he was, then you would really have a big issue on your hands.


Maybe your fiance could start giving him treats like nuts or a single grape or apple slice to start building a closer relationship with your Grey.


As far as the screaming you are describing. Does he scream when he is sitting with you getting cuddle time or is he perhaps sitting else where and you and your fiance are together? If it is the latter, your baby wants your attention and is calling for it. :-)

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Hey Dan


Thanks sooo much for the advice. I will definately try it out.


And yea, you're right he does scream mostly when I sit with my fiance. Maybe he is a bit jealous and wants more attention for himself. Will pay more attention to it.


Thanks again!


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Hello Hanna and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Gizmo.


Look like Gizmo has chosen you as his favorite and there is not much you can do about that, but let your hubby give him treats and such to give him an edge with him.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions you may have. We do our best to get some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Gizmo you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Welcome from Alaska Hanna:

I think Dan has hit it. Start to notice what is going on when Gizmo starts to scream. I bet he's jealous of your fiance. Gizmo just doesn't give your sweetie much rank in his flock. I agree, let him offer treats. Make sure Gizmo feels secure when your fiance is around. Have him talk to Gizmo through the cage with the door closed in a soft calm manner and then slip him a treat. Slow and patience are your main weapons. I'm with judygram, let's see some pictures.

Good luck and see you out there.

Bruce & Mazy

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Hi Guys


Thanks for everybody's feedback and welcome messages!


Just want to say this is a really great forum. Everybody has just been soooo friendly and helpful.


I'll post some pic's of Gizmo tomorrow. Just need to download the latest from my camera first.



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I meant to post these pics here, but mistakenly posted them on african grey.


Anyway, these pics were when Gizmo was a bit ill a few weeks ago. Another tip that might help someone. Avoid wood shavings at all costs. They might contain germs. This is how my baby got sick.


Anyway he is all better now after some antibiotics. I'll post some more recent "healthy" pics soon. Gizmo_013_web-f226bf3f4a6bd1940fa8be16ffd5b077.JPG


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