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Ten Things We Might Not Know About You


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Here is a fun way to get to know each other better. List 10 things we might not know about you.


1. I have 3 kiddos ages 6yrs girl, 19mo boy and a 7mo old girl.

2. I was born in California

3. I love anything artistic or crafty

4. I am almost the A typical soccer mom

5. Everyone always assumes I am older till they meet me in person or see my picture.

6. I am going back to school hopefully this fall.

7. I am a little weirded out by jello and hotdogs( I know isn't that messed up :P )

8. My comfort food consists of Mac-N-Cheese and Holiday food.

9. My daughter and I collect carebears. Since they were out when I was her age its kinda a thing for us.

10. I am 5'4" and 130 brown hair and eyes( sorry ran out of things to put down;) )


Ok who is next.. You can list whatever you want for your 10 things about you..

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That is a lot of things Bailey. Thanks for sharing. Ok, I'll try:


1. I have four children ages 21, 19, 10 & 7 1/2

2. We are a Type I Diabetic and Celiac Family

3. I am a firearms instructor along with my husband

4. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting

5. I am an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

6. I love the beach and the mountains

7. I always wanted to be a flight paramedic but cannot do so with my hearing inability

8. My hearing inability is what kept me out of the military

9. I absolutely love Disney World

10.I must have coffee every morning to start my day

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Ok Ill try to come up with 10. lol


1. I have no children.

2. I have been married three times.

3. I had a liver transplant August 1994.

4. My liver is messed up again due to medication I took for a sinus infection 2 years ago.

5. I am scared to death of those huge flying roaches.

6. I love Lord of the Rings

7. I hate it when people try to tell me what to say or how I should feel.

8. Some comercials on TV make me cry for no reason.

9. I hate to clean house.

10. I love love love chicken.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2008/02/01 13:15

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1. i ride a 1984 honda goldwing standard. been riding for at least 20 yrs. worked my way up from a 67 ducati 250 (what a ROCKET).

2. married 29 yrs to the same alien man (he's a citizen now) it was always fun to alarm our children by crying out "i married an ALIEN!"

3. 2 grown children

4. i am #4 of 4 girls. dad's fishing buddy.

5. decades behind in my movie knowledge. the butt of many jokes. but my knowledge of silent and classic film is pretty good.

6. learned to camp at age 40. love it. my camping buddy is my GSD inga. watch out for her she steals the firewood and is a notorious bed hog.

7. bought a little canned ham trailer about 1960 vintage to restore. call it 'fred flintstone'. slow going this project.

8. this is hard to find 10 interesting things about oneself! hmmm i'm a virgo born on labor day. that explains a lot i guess.

9. almost done. gee whiz total creativity shutdown! i shall have to come back to this after a period of reflection...

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1. I am single, never married, no human kids...hopefully that will change before time runs out!

2. I do pottery in my spare time, clay is one of my biggest loves.

3. I trained dogs for 10 years and still do some behavior consults.

4. I am hopefully going back to college in the next two years to finish my BFA and then Masters in Ceramics.

5. I can fix my car, fix my plumbing and just about anything else....just not electricity and gas...that stuff scares me.

6. I have a benign, slow growing pituitary tumor in my brain (some of my friends think that it explains a lot)

7. I too cry at some commercials, though you will rarely catch me crying in front of anyone...I get really embarassed when I cry.

8. I am terrified of spiders...it's better now, it's a phobic reaction after a brown recluse bite.

9. I've had two facial reconstructive surgeries after having broken my nose 8 times...

10. I'm a huge foodie!! I love food!! I love coming up with new recipes and such.

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1. I am not afraid of spiders. In fact, I order people not to kill them, and if one is somewhere I don't want it, I put it in a Dixie cup & move it somewhere else. (I've heard they're good luck!)

2. When I'm not on here or playing w/Klaus, I love to read and garden.

3. To help get myself through the Michigan winter I force bulbs in the house (have a monster Amaryllis on my kitchen counter right now).

4. I go completely nuts for a marching band. LOVE marching bands. Especially the drums & the tubas - something about the people with the tubas waving them around as they march gets me every time. And I am like Baloo the Bear from the Jungle Book when I hear a beat. Crazy man, I'm gone!

5. I am horribly claustrophic. My biggest nightmare is to suffocate or drown. I have made people switch places with me at a restaurant table because I somehow got "smooshed in" where I was sitting.

6. I have an amazing 11-year old son who is HUGE. He wears a men's size 12 shoe and I'm just now noticing many don't go beyond 12 in their size range. Ha-ha. What's next? Special order, I guess.

7. My son might be huge due to my genes, I am 5'11" which is pretty tall for a woman. (Dad is the same height I am.)

8. What bothers me is people who wallow in their problems and won't try to do anything about it.

9. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Finance. I'm proud to say I put myself through school. I'm sad to say my personal finances are not the greatest. I'm like the shoemaker who's kids are barefoot.

10. One of the best concerts I ever went to was the B-52's a few years back. I expected them to come out with walkers and wheelchairs. I was blown away when they came out and ROCKED! That's the only concert I can say I was sore from dancing the next day. :)

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I a terrified of spiders...any shape or size...scares the begebes out of me. Made my oldest son terrifed too.


Shamelessmuse you are amazing girl...fixing all that stuff. I don't blame you for not wanting to work with electic or gas...me either.


Laurie I fully understand your claustrophic tendies. I am that way too also my oldest son wears a size 13 shoe so I feel your pain when trying to find shoes for the boy.

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1) My husband is an aspiring Opera performer (tenor)

2) I was in the Army National Guard as a Medic and a Behavioral Science Specialist during Operation Desert Storm in the early 90's.

3) I lost 70 lbs two years ago (and have gained 20 back - yikes!)

4) I have degrees in Criminal Justice and Psychology, which have absolutely nothing to do with my job as a Production Manager in a medical device company (well, sometimes each may come in handy a bit!)

5) I hate the word "moist"...always have, always will.

6) Our 10 year old basset hound won 1st Place High in Trial at the 2005 National Basset Obedience Trials.

7) I have a very irrational fear of sharks in that it really only bothers me when I'm flying over the ocean in an airplane...for some reason not while I'm scuba-diving IN the ocean. Must have something to do with how I died in a former life...:-)

8) I'm a diehard MN Vikings fan who secretly wanted to see the Packers make it to the Superbowl this year (shhhh...don't tell anyone!)

9) We just started a civil trial this past Tuesday after a 4-year legal battle with a building contractor who put an addition on our home 4 years ago. Horribly stressful.

10) I can't stop my infatuation with Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs. I'm not really trying to though. ;)

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Laurie - I'm with you on the marching bands...they're the only reason to go to parades in my book!


Shamelessmuse - my husband and I are huge foodies also (took a trip to Nevis, W.I., last fall because we decided we were going to go wherever one chef whose food we had eaten previously was...we thought he was in Oregon but he moved to Nevis! So off to Nevis we went (it was spectactular). Unfortunately, I can't cook very well without a recipe. I'm jealous that you can make up your own! :-)


Maybe we should have an entire thread dedicated to Mike! :-) For you girls:




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1 – I am certified in Collision Repair and Refinishing and can really find my way around under a hood. I worked as an Oil and Tire changer for a year or 2 after I graduated from Tech School. I also fixed my first car after the door got smashed and did a total body paintjob on it. I am also a MacGyver mechanic and can fix my car enough to get it home with a rubber cap, steal wool, and a clamp!

2 – I play 6 instruments with most of them being self-taught. I am most accomplished playing my Cello. I won a number of competitions and always played first chair.

3 – I am also a great artist, and went to the Cypress Lake Center for the Art high school. I’ve had a major artist block the last year so I haven’t done anything that great in a while.

4 – No (human) kids, not married, and have been with my boyfriend Paul for 7 years…I’m almost 23 (will be on the 8th) so I have been with him sense I was 15. I’m not sure if I want to have kids of my own (I saw what id did to my mother figure) and I might adopt a kid or two from Russia/Ukraine once I’m married and am all settled down.

5 – When I was a kid I was a dinosaur freak! When the teacher went around the room and asked everyone what they wanted to be when they grew up I stood up and said, “I want to be a Paleontologists!” I bet she never expected that out of a 5 year old. I think that is why I love birds so much; they are the closest living relatives to the Dinosaurs.

6 – I still have all my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman, My Little Pony, and Dinosaur toys from when I was a kid.

7 – I have bulging discs in my back and get sciatic nerve pain a lot. I had to have cortisone epidurals in my spine for a while to try and relieve it.

8 – My legs are the opposite of bowed…I have Knock-Knees. This causes me to get tendonitis all the time in my IT bands, and might be why I don’t have kids…LOL! It’s funny that I have them because I rode horses a lot when I was younger.

9 – I were a size 10 in men’s shoes! I’m only 5’6 so my feet are just freaky big for no reason.

10 – I want to go back to school one day to become a Sheriff Officer and one day a detective.



11 – I support our troops over seas! My brother just left for Iraq today.

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1. I have 3 kids aged 9 to 14

2. I have been a computer programmer for 20 years

3. I am now studying to be a Counselling Psychologist

4. I live in the prettiest part of Ireland - the Midlands.

5. I love Pilates

6. I am a twin

7. My biggest idol is my Dad - he took up running at 45, and skiing at 68.... he is now 71 and just back from a skiing trip.

8. If I didnt live in Ireland I would love to live in France.

9. I was born in Yorkshire, England and also lived in Massachussets for a year in 2001.

10. I am training to be a Scout leader.... its FUN!!

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Lisa: There is a reason I am not a skinny girl anymore! :laugh: It's the love of food...and being southern that includes all things fried!! Cooking isn't so bad, you just have to learn to add things slowly and taste often. Let go a bit and you'll be amazed at the results. The first thing is to learn the basics...how long things cook, ect...then you can get wild!


Woody: I grew up in a house where my parents never used a repair person for anything. It's come in handy since I live alone!!


SMustee: Awe, I feel your back pain!! I have a spinal and nerve deformity...I just got my first cortisone epidural the day after Christmas...unfortunatly it has only helped a little. It messes up my IT bands too...Sometimes I want to rip them out!:P

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  • 2 months later...

1. I don't have any children. My animals fill that spot in my heart.

2. I have lived with the same man for 15 years now and we aren't married. We both feel like we don't need a ceremony or piece of paper to prove our love for each other.

3. I love food, especially Italian or Mexican, but really I just like to eat.

4. My favorite books to read are historical fiction- Margaret George and Bernard Cornwell are two of my favorite authors.

5. I don't know how to swim.

6. I love ancient Egyptian history and anything to do with Cleopatra. I would love to see the pyramids some day.

7. I love to travel, but now I feel so tied down with animals it feels next to impossible to get away. I'm worried about what affect me leaving for awhile would have on Lyric because he's so bonded to me.

8. Eleven years ago I was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder, ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura). Basically it is an immune system disorder where your body attacks your platelets and destroys them and you could bleed to death. I had to undergo immuneglobulin and platelet infusions and take steriods before it got back under control. They don't know what caused it.

9. I love sci-fi and fantasy- "Lord of the Rings", "Star Wars"

10. I have one sister and one brother and love them both dearly.

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1) I am not married and have no kids, I have been with my boyfriend for going on 5 years and we have lived together for 4 1/2

2) I going to be 23 years old this month and I purchased my first home one my 21st birthday!

3) I am mom to 6 dogs - 2 Dogue De Bordeaus 1- Rott 1- Dobie 2-Chihuahuas, 3 birds - 1 Vos Eclectus, 1 Goffins Cockatoo, and 1 Sun Conure - Baby CAG on the way!

4) I am a certified Diamontologist as I worked as a jeweler for 3 years

5)I currently work for my boyfriends parents in the die cutting field & I get to bring my pets to work (well 1 or 2 at a time, but hey!)

6) I showed hunter jumpers competitively for years and won many competitions in the tri state area.

7) I have one older brother who is my best friend

8) I moved out of my parents house when I was 17 and am proud to say that I have not been back!

9)I only drive manual transmission vehicles

10)I was in a motorcycle accident and now am the proud owner of a deformed pinky finger and nerve damage in my knee (lucky that was it)



phew....that is hard!<br><br>Post edited by: ClaireBear, at: 2008/04/09 01:05

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1. I'm 5'10" and about 160 pounds...I'm on the South Beach diet and have lost 20 pounds...a few more to go


2. I'm a Sign Language Interpreter


3. I was born and raised in California.




4. I'm 36 years old.


5. I've been married to a 49 year old man for 6 years.


6. I have no children and don't plan to have any.


7. Most of my immediate family has died, I have one brother left.


8. I love animals and have a bird, dog, and several reptiles. But I hate bugs. I don't feed my reptiles crickets because of this, I use meal worms instead, I can handle those.


9. I've lived with a developmentally disabled woman for 12 years and plan to do so until the end. She's like family to me and my husband now...he married into it. lol


10. I no longer have a couch. It is now a bean bag chair that doesn't have those little beads...instead, it's filled with memory foam and is ohhhh sooooo comfy...Harrison likes to walk around on it too... :) NO MORE COUCHES :woohoo: :woohoo:

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1. I am getting married this Saturday on the beach.


2. I am a HUGE Dave Matthews Band fanatic!


3. I have a younger brother and sister. One lives in California and the other lives in Pennsylvania.


4. I am left handed.


5. I graduated from Cal Poly with a degree in Food Science.


6. Makena doesn't like me and it kills me.


7. I live in Hawaii and really dislike it here.


8. My condo is for sale and as soon as it sells we are moving back to California.


9. My favorite thing to do is cook and I love to create new things.


10. I was born and raised in Napa, California.

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Guest Skuffy

B) Um...Well now Am 9yrs old for a start--->{Nature-00020095}




(1)..My Names Mark..age 39


(2)..I have 4 kids..3boys..1 girl..

aged from 23..22..20..13


(3)..Been with my Mrs forever Not Married never have the time..:blush:


(4)..Born and raised in the Uk.Manchester = OLDHAM TOWN..


(5)..Ive had many animals in my life coming from a farming familly my sisters have many horses..


(6)..I HATE horses...They make me sneeze and my eyes go funny,so i had a hard time growing up with all the horse dust..


(7)...I have 7 sisters and 2 Brothers..


(8)..I am the Second oldest


(9)..I love SKYONE..Star-Gate Sg1..Star Trek...


(10)...I have a very talented son Mark Jnr..This kid playes football for OLDHAM TOWN U14s...Hes played all over Europe, Played for GB Under 13s at 10yrs old..Went to Holland and lifted the Cup....Ive so many proud moments....This kid will go far...:woohoo:

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Guest Skuffy

B) I forgot my other lill treasurse...Ive 5 Grandkids, and another on the way...as shown in the Virtual Pic in My Blog Thingyy....B)

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Ten thing you may not know about me.


1.) I have 2 sister and 1 brother(All who's name start with "M" mine however does not) I'm a middle child.


2.) I have Hypothyroidism


3.) I hate milk


4.) I have had 2 surgery, one when I was three week old, another when I was ten.


5.) my room is the size of a lager closet, you think I kidding... I'm not.


6.)I love classic movies/show!


7.)I'm dyslexic, but knowone figure it out till the ninth grade,but back, when I was 11 thinking I was SO behind the other kids. I started to read more books, and slowly over time taught my self to read.


8.) I can use both my left and right hands.


9.) my favorite color is blue.


10.) I have a really, really, good mermory! my first mermory is when I was almost 2.

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