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Ok I notice that A. There are some people trying to loose weight on this forum and B. There is a subforum of sorts for them to post on.. What about us smokers could we get a little quit smoking support post sticky of our own??I have noticed allot of us wanting to try or even just thinking about it. I know we could all be great motiviaton and support to one another. Just a suggestion. Let me know what you mod type people think.




Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/02/01 10:48<br><br>Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/02/01 17:01

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Hey, I just started a thread on this yesterday, what a coincidence!

I'm making ANOTHER attempt this Sunday (day after tomorrow, yikes!).

I'm trying hypnotism, and I promise to keep everyone posted, even if I fail - I will be truthful.

What have you tried so far, if at all?

Have you ever visited QuitNet.org? I find it to be a very helpful quit support site. (I'm on there as "ParrotLadyMI"). ;)

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Laurie you inspired me to post and ask for a section for us smokers...Well I am working upto it I really want to quit not just for my kids and animals but for myself. I just need to do it and I will pick a day in the next two weeks to quit and then we will see how well it goes! Good Luck Sweetie let me know how it all turns out!<br><br>Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/02/03 13:04

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Yay! Thank you.. This gives me even more motivation to quit! I sorry I havn't responded in a couple days we just got in 2 very sick chinchillas and an injured lovebird along with trying to keep up with my kids and Sam and Shay I've been a bit busy. Thank you again!!

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