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Does she understand this?


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Greetings Everyone!


I think Bella, my CAG is using me as an experiment of sorts: when ever I'm making her breakfast, she circles around my feet. A couple of days ago she pecked at my toes and I said "ouch ouch ouch" and stepped aside. She cocked her head, looked at me and then did it again. So I said "ouch ouch ouch" again. We did this for a while.


Then yesterday she flew off her perch and landed on me and she grumbled 'ouch ouch ouch' LOL! And then on another occassion she stepped off her perch in an awkward manner and slipped a little and she said "ouch ouch ouch". Do you think she really understands what ouch means or is she just repeating from me and is using it when ever? Gosh, I'd hate to think that simply landing on me is hurting her feet!

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Greetings everyone - I think it's uncanny how they seem to connect with us so closely! This morning seh flew over to me, and she said ouch ouch ouch before she pecked my toes and then she mimicked my laugh :laugh: Now if she knows what a laugh is, that will blow me away! I think she's copying me laugh after I say ouch ouch ouch because I'm watching her and she looks TOO cute, cocking her little head after she pecks my toe to watch my reaction. Hmm - I just love her!!!

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My pleasure Judy :laugh: She makes me laugh every morning - she is such a character! I have berries all over - they're on the walls around her enclave, on the floor (white tile - :S ) But, she loves those berries so much - so, what's a little cleaning :)

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danmcq wrote:

Yep, Judy is right, she is associating the words with actions and things. :-)


Thats cewl!! :-)



Hmm, I don't know Dan - today she's saying ouch ouch ouch all the time! She seems to go in cycles - first her favorite phrase was "I don't know" - she'd say that to everything - then it was "what the hell" and now it's "ouch ouch ouch".


I'm going to try and find some of that research on Alex and see if it describes the cognitive learning phases that greys go through - you know like object permanence etc..


She's certainly beat the greyhounds in terms of comprehension. I've been trying for years to get them to poop on command - Bella - 1 week and she's going like a champ when you tell her to!

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Aw, what a sweet bird! Personally, I think they know what they're talking about. Klaus doesn't talk yet, but he whistles the appropriate whistle depending on the situation. (When you walk into the room, it's a wolf-whistle i.e. "I'm glad to see you!". When you leave the room it's a calling-the-dog whistle i.e. "Hey, get back here!".)

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Laurie wrote:

Aw, what a sweet bird! Personally, I think they know what they're talking about. Klaus doesn't talk yet, but he whistles the appropriate whistle depending on the situation. (When you walk into the room, it's a wolf-whistle i.e. "I'm glad to see you!". When you leave the room it's a calling-the-dog whistle i.e. "Hey, get back here!".)


Thanks Laurie! Wow - whistle communications! Isn't that interesting! How old is Klaus?

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