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Greyce went to the vet!


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Hello Everyone!! Well, Greyce went to the vet today. For those of you that have been following the story, you know I had some apprehensions about having to actually take her out of her cage so soon. Well, I tried to lure her out…but she was too smart, she knew something was up. One downfall of a Grey is trying to pull one over on them! J So I decided to try and towel her, the downfall is the door on my Paradise cage is narrow (at least it is to me) and it is hard to easily grab your baby when she is a spry little Timneh (Greyce is the exact opposite of a clumsy Grey, she is actual very nimble) and your elbows are about 4 inches apart. Not the best scenario! Anyway, as soon as I pulled out the towel (a nice grey color actually pretty much matches her) she started screaming blood murder. She sounded like a Banshee!! I was remaining calm, taking deep soothing breaths and trying to keep a low and mellow energy…but, my heart was breaking. I felt awful for scaring her so. Once I got the poor baby out she calmed down and perched on my hand, no bites, nothing. Which made me feel so wonderful as it is the first time I have held her since the day I brought her home. In her carrier she went and off we go.


We got to the vet, waited for a bit. On a cute side note she has learned Lily’s “help me” whine. Lily does this when she get’s somewhere she can’t get down from or stuck (it’s hard being a 2.5lb dog sometimes :D ) I got up for a second to grab a magazine and she couldn’t see me and did Lily’s whine…I about died! It is her second mimic since she’s got to my house. Well, we went in and were left in the room for a few. I took the lid off the carrier and she went on the edge to perch. I put my hand down, she was a tad apprehensive and I said “step up” and like a pro she did. However, she quickly scampered up my arm and around my head. There she sat utterly freaked. She remained there when the vet came in and she started preening my hair (another wonderful sign). We got underway…he said she looked great, wasn’t underweight, but gaining a tad wouldn’t make her overweight and might be a good idea. Did cultures, ect. And we did a nail and wing trim. I do plan on allowing her to become fully flighted, however until I get her trained and calm in the house I can’t afford her flying about. He did say he thought she was closer to a year (which would seem 18 months is correct) he basically said there was no way she was three. I know someone had commented on her eye color in her pictures, they really are quite light in person. He also commented that her feet looked and voice sounded much too young to be 3. Which is much of a relief because there was a possibility that she was not and 18month old she, but a 3 year old he (ex-breeder, just split from his mate and never tame). He also said that she was much too tame to be that bird as well. So, afterward she let me hold her…which I did in the room a bit before we left. We got home and she was done…I could tell she needed some rest time. She stepped up and politely went in the cage. Despite the fact she has gone to her old antics of trying to eat me when I touch the cage (for feeding, water, ect). I think we had a lovely day. I did go on and on to her at the vet, on the way home and at home about how proud of her I was and how much I loved her. It was a good day!!


Oh, and last night she came and sat on the door (with it open) with me sitting right in front of the cage! Another big step, she sat there 6 inches from me and watched Lily and I play…listened contently when I sang to her and played a little peek-a-boo.

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That is great that it went well other than the trying to catch her part. You just have to love every little milestone when it comes to earning thier trust. I find myself saying good girl or good boy over and over to my Shay and sam. I want so much for the steps to go quicker I bet you do to. BTW I love her name!<br><br>Post edited by: Bailey, at: 2008/01/31 12:49

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Thanks for the update Muse. :-)


It sounds like you handled your Grey well and she dealt with it good also. Sitting on the cage door and being exposed to you and the "outside" world is a great first step to her becoming confident that her surroundings are safe. The fact that you had her out and on your shoulder interacting with you is also a HUGE first step.


Congratulations on taking on this "High Anxiety" task. You and your Grey did GREAT!!

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Those area all great steps Muse! I know how it feels to finally get to hold her for the first time. It's a wonderful feeling. Keep up the good work and keep us informed. Don't get discouraged as I have a few times from hearing of all the good stories because of how everyone is with their new baby grey. Mine was a bit older than what everyone else seems to be bringing home and her flight to us didn't help any at all. So we have a bunch of work to do as well. But good luck to you and keep us updated!

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Thanks guys!! It was wonderful to hold her again! While I remain optomistic about everything it is hard sometimes to hear all the wonderful baby stories. I wish that I was her first home as a baby and that she never had to go through the stress of being passed around. But, I love her and wouldn't have it any other way. It does make me feel good to know that I am helping a baby that was in need of saftey, security and a forever home!

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