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Aloha all!


Although I have registered quite some time ago, I finally have started to become active in your community with a few questions I had about my Grey's behaviour.


My name is Angela, and I live on the Big Island of Hawaii. I always wanted a parrot, and after meeting my good friend's CAG, I fell in love with them and yearned for my own. Alas, my husband was having nothing to do with us owning a parrot.:(


Being that we are married and marriage is about compromise, he agreed that he would seriously consider it. Geez, how long will it take before he agrees?? I was ready NOW! Well when we still lived on Oahu, he had to have knee surgery one day, and after 3 days in the hospital, he was discharged and on the way home he wanted to grab a bite to eat. I took him to a nice restaurant in Honolulu called "Gordon Biersch" sp? and after a couple of vodka tonics he seemed very happy to accompany me to the pet store since it was on the way home. Not thinking that he could have been given any pain meds intraveneously :whistle: and still had them in his system, I wondered why he seemed EXTRA happy?!!! ;) Anyway, we walk into the store (I walk, he crutches) and there is my future love, a baby CAG that is so CUTE! The clerk takes her out of the cage and she climbs all over my hubby, and he is quite smitten by her - or was it the drink that made him feel that way???:P So he buys her on the spot, we get her set up and there she is at home with us! The next day, my poor husband crutches into our living room, not remembering this transaction, but she is here now, so not much he can do about it!! Yes, I feel a little bit evil,:evil: but he loves her and we have a good laugh about how he was duped! We named her "Poki"


We also adopted an SI Eclectus, a male, he is possibly the most affectionate, animated bird ever! My husband has a love hate relationship with him, since he is a screamer at times. I hardly hear it? But he is very entertaining and tries to make everyone and everything his life mate. His name is "Joey Malolo".


Then we have the bouncy, silly wienie dog "Tako Lolo" who is so adorable and just want to love everyone as well. He and Joey Malolo were made for each other I think - both of them are greedy guts! If it is edible (or not) they'll try to eat it!


I learn alot from my pets every day - and love them dearly. I hope to learn a lot from you guys, and share some great stories with all of you!




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Welcome Angela!!


Man, some drugs left over in the system and couple of Vodka's, wake up the next day and "What the Hell?"....VERY smart of you ;-)


Just don't broadcast this secret you discovered about us men when were "Happy" :-)


I wouldn't want Kim (my wife) tho catch on to this little known secret. B)


Seriously now, it's great to have you here and I am happy your dream of having a Grey came true for you. We'll look forward to hearing much more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance.

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Hello Angela and welcome to the family, glad you could finally start participating in the forum, we are so happy to have you here with us.


What a great introduction and story about how you finally got your birds. You sound like my kind of woman, you know what you want and how to get it, no harm in that.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions you may have. We do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Poki you would like to share with us we would love to see her.:)

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Angela: I don't suppose it's -20F in the other noncontagious state in the U.S. Well it is here in Alaska. I have been feeling the need for some deep heat and a few rounds of golf. Just love the story of how you got your bird. You are a timing expert. Glad to have you actively here and look forward to hearing and seeing (pictures) more.

Bruce & Mazy

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Aloha again, and thanks for the welcome!


You know, after posting my story, I got a bit worried that maybe there would be those that thought of me as "deceitful" however I prefer the term "devilishly clever". Seems like I am in good company!!


Today is a bit windy but the sky is blue, the sun is shining, and I can see the ocean waves hitting the cliffs! Oh, and we do live in a golf community although I don't play.. ;)


We decided to live here for the simple fact that my husband has to live in a warm climate due to all the surgeries he's had, in cold weather he gets very stiff and feels pain. I agreed to set up shop in Hawaii, I tell him I agree to live here only for his "well-being". There it is again - devilishly clever - haha


When we lived on Oahu, it is very "metropolitan" - busy, crowded, frustrating. My birds seemed on edge and Joey especially was a problem screamer. But since moving to the Southern most town in the US, and how extremely laid back it is, I kid you not, he barely screams, only when his food dish is low... haha I wonder if they can feel the stressless life? Knock on wood, I don't want to jinx myself!!


Alaska eh?? Brrrrrr, I bet I would be able to buy any parrot I wanted there, for the simple fact that my husband would not be able to move quick enough to stop me!! ;) P.S> I love Sockeye Salmon, I think you guys fish for it over there??


Once I get a few minutes I'll try and put up some pictures of Poki and da gang!

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You are definately one clever women and write a great story to boot. I'm happy to hear there are spouses that would go to such extreme sacrifices for their Husbands sake. You set the example for all the other women here on this forum ;-)


Looking forward to seeing those photos!!

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Hi, and welcome!

Thanks for the great intro.

We look forward to hearing more from you!


Mazy, I can relate to you a little bit. Here in Michigan it was a high of 17 F yesterday (I think) with 50-mph winds. Yikes! Today it's a balmy 25 and the wind has calmed. But we're expecting 8-10" of snow tomorrow...what a way to kick off the weekend!

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Hello! I enjoyed reading your story! Sounds like something I would have done.

I wish I could come visit you and stay the winter in Hawaii!! Here in Missouri it has been a long cold winter so far. We had a little snow yesterday- just enough to be pretty. I'm ready for spring though. Send some warm weather our way please.

Looking forward to seeing pictures of your little family!

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ABettua: Good to hear from you , yes it is currently much colder here than you. I think there is a 100degree temprature difference. The last 10 days we've been between-12F and -27F. You really got me when you used the "G" word. I love to golf, it's just hard with 6 feet of snow on the ground. Heck I'll settle for Laurie's weather in Michigan.

I do spend part of my season as a salmon fisherman in the gulf but I mostly catch king (chinook) Salmon. It's even better than sockeye.

Well better pull the bird cages closer to the wood stove.

Later Bruce

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