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Filling a hole in my heart


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I just wanted to share my story of how Teluhla came into my life.

Last summer (06) My Dad told my sister, my husband and I that he was planning on divorcing his wife of 13 years. Both of our parents have been married more than once so we adjusted and were willing to be there for him with whatever he needed. Then this past spring (we are talking 07 now, I know just stay with me;) My dad was having a rough time and after talking with my husband we decided to move to oklahoma and be with him. He was really lonely and super excited to have us there. He lived on a lake and we had a blast together every day. It was the best time of my life. Then on June 22 he was killed in a car accident. My heart was utterly shattered. I don't even remember the two days after it happend, but being his next of kin I managed to plan two funerals for him, and take care of a mess of other buisness. We moved back to Kansas and found a place to live, my sister moved in with us, she was living with roomates befor and needed family. Then right around Christmas time I was having a horrible day. I was so sad about my Dad and so my sister took me to the local petstore to cheer me up. When we got there I saw this beautifull parrot. She was a 6 month old eclectus. I wanted her so bad, I stayed and played with her for hours and then I went home and told my husband we were getting a parrot. I think he would let me do just about anything at that point if it would cheer me up. The next day I went back to the store to find out exactly what I would need for my new freind. I was all set, I would come in the next morning and pay for her and bring her home. The next morning came and I rushed to the pet store right when they opened. One of the employees who I had been talking to about the parrot the night befor came up to me with a very sad look on his face. Someone had come in and bought her right after I left that night. I was crushed. I even cried. The bird manager came out and asked what was going on, the other employee explained to her my plans for purchasing the bird and that the parrot had been sold the previous evening. She sat and talked to me for a while about why I wanted a bird and asked me a lot of questions about my lifestyle and my home. After about 30 minutes she said she wanted to show me something. She took me into the back room and pulled down a plastic tub. I took one look in and melted. It was a tiny ball of fluff. It was my baby. Jackie, the bird lady, explained to me how she had a grey at home and how she loved them so much. This one had come to the shop and she had been handfeeding her and had really grown to love her. She wanted to make sure she would go to a good home. She offered Teluhla to me at a largly discounted price and gave me her cage and all the things she would need to come home including a months worth of food. She also said that Teluhla would need to stay untill she was weened unless I wanted to come in and learn how. I have been back every day since. I help feed her and we play everyday. She is now 10 weeks and comes home for sleep overs but stays at the shop(it's right across the street from my work) while I am working. She loves her people and the other animals at the pet store and loves to be home and have snuggle time. She is down to two feeding a day and plays with her pellets and seeds a lot. She started flying last week and so her wings have now been clipped so that she can be safely handeled at the store. I can't explain the joy that this creature has brought to my life. She grows and learns more everyday. She is amazing. I just know that God knew that I needed something warm and sweet and covered with feathers to help fill the hole in my heart. Thanks for reading- God Bless

th_alyson.jpg here is a pic of me, dad, and sister


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Wow! What a story! It brought tears to my eyes, because I know what its like to lose someone so close to the heart. Thanks for sharing. Be sure to follow that up with some pictures of the two of you playing! Your dad is happy now, and watching over you daily. Thats what I keep in mind to get through the day! :silly: :silly:

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Tears.....for our loss and your gain.


Thanks for sharing that story. I feel honored that you chose to share such a personal expression of your feelings regarding this part of your life.


That's what makes this forum so vital in most of our lives. Parrot owners are a different breed and not many "outsiders" understand us. This is a place of an extended family meeting, sharing and loving each other unconditionally.


Again, thanks for being a member here and sharing that. :-)

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Teluhlasmom: I also convey my saddness for your loss and my happiness at the gaining of a new lifetime friend. I also lost my father in a sudden traumatic way (murder) so I completely understand the void that is suddenly there. You are taking great steps to help yourself heal through the grieving process. When a death occurs suddenly such as our case, the grieving is usually a longer process. If you want to talk to someone who's been there feel free to e-mail me at "alaskas2s@yahoo.com".

Keep yourself and your bird well. He will be great therapy.


Bruce & Mazy

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