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Info on Missouri's bill they are trying to pass


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Please write these people asking them to take parrots off the "wild species" list.






Date: 2008-01-30, 11:46AM CST



STOP Missouri House Bill 1847


Please take a second to read the text of this misguided legislation. The text of the bill is located at: http://www.house.mo.gov/billtracking/bills081/biltxt/intro/HB1847I.htm


This bill if passed will prohibit the sale, ownership, breeding, transfer and exchange of parrots, parakeets, finches, doves, pigeons, and canaries and many, many other companion animals by changing the definition of “wild animal” to include (but not limited to) “Any live animal that is wild by nature, whether bread in the wild or in captivity and whether or not native to Missouri. The bill further states that wild animals shall include (again but not limited to) [section G] Birds, including parrots, parakeets, finches, doves and pigeons, and canaries. Or [section H] Any other animal deemed to be a wild animal by Department (Agriculture) Rule.”


In her caring and concern for animal health and welfare Representative Beth Low, the bills sponsor(s) have exempted research animal facilities from compliance with her law.


Please use the information below to contact the bills sponsors and tell them to withdraw this misguided and flawed legislation.


Rep. Beth Low HOME: Beth Low

201 West Capitol Ave 5930 Cherry Street

Room 106B Kansas City, MO 64110

Jefferson City, MO 65101

E-Mail: beth.low@house.mo.gov

Phone: (573) 751-4485


Rep. Sara Lampe Springfield

201 West Capitol Ave

Room 101B

Jefferson City, MO 65101

E-Mail: sara.lampe@house.mo.gov

Phone: (573) 751-1460


Rep. Maria Chappelle-Nadal St. Louis/University City

201 West Capitol Ave

Room 105H

Jefferson City, MO

E-Mail: maria.chappellenadal@house.mo.gov

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Sent the link to the AFA and this is their reply to me. Sounds like we have nothing to worry about at this time.


Thank you Angie, our Legislative VP is watching this Bill closely but at this time, no action is required as we expect it to die in committee. If not, we will be on it, so thanks for the heads up.


Rick JOrdan


American Federation of Aviculture, Inc.

P.O. Box 91717

Austin, Texas 78709-1717

Phone: (512) 585-9800

Fax: (512) 858-7029


Join Today!!!

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I'm sick. I'm glad the AFA is watching this closely. It is a shame and I would not be surprised if their theory is to head of a bird flu pandemic (I haven't read the link yet). Our legistlatures seem to always love to pass bills in the name of 'safety' or in the name of 'the children' when if fact that law will do nothing for either.

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What a crazy bill to try and get in to affect. Hopefully the good people of Missouri will impeach this moron, that has nothing better to think about than this?


That's why I would never vote a woman into office, they just haven't reached the intellectual level yet to truly understand what needs attention and what doesn't :P

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danmcq wrote:

That's why I would never vote a woman into office, they just haven't reached the intellectual level yet to truly understand what needs attention and what doesn't :P



You knew I was logged in didn't ya and wouldn't let this pass without a comment:evil: you are so full of it Dan:P

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This kind of thing scares the crap out of me. I am so scared states are going to start banning more and more birds from people's homes!! Once one state does it, others will follow!!! Aren't quakers already banned from some states? And they are currently trying to ban nanday conures from Pennsylvania!!


I made a lifetime commitment when I got my grey... I would be devastated if someone took him away from me! :unsure:

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It is a scary thing when you see someone like Beth Lowe take something to an unlogical conclusion.


The Quaker is a good example to see how this misguided Beth Lowe could have come to her conclusion.


In the last few decades Quaker Parrots were brought into the United States and Europe, where wild Quakers have become considered a pest. This is because they are a very hardy bird, and prolific breeder. In their native country of Argentina, Quakers are reportedly responsible for 30% of the corn crop destruction.


In the US, they have been known to build huge colony nests which interfere with utility cables and towers.


Because of the potential of becoming a major agricultural pest and they view Power Poles and Towers as the perfect place to build their apartment like communities. This has the potential to cause massive power outages and fires, thus they are banned or restricted in several states.


Given this example, one such as Beth Lowe comes to the formula "All non-native birds and animals are a possible risk. Therefore all should be banned".


It is this type of extremism and irrational thinking that causes the problems in the governmental rule we have today. Thank god we as voters have a right to vote these insane bills out and the ones that have the audacity to even propose them.


I do agree with the well documented and thought out ban on species specific introduction to new areas where they could have a huge environmental, health, other species local extinction and monetary impact.


This goes with any type of animal, bird or fish etc.


Some would flat out devastate a region if introduced.


So, the bottom line is, good research and reasons to ban is being a good steward our local and national environments to protect all the resources, other species and plant fauna from destruction or extinction. This must be analysed and weighed out on a case by case basis. Not a one Bill just carelessly gets rid of them all attitude.

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I do not live in the US, but I am appalled at this bill. Politicians are not just on another planet, but in a different universe. Banning the import of wild birds - any species - or any other species of wild creatures - deserves wholehearted and unstinting support. This bill needs stangling now. If you think it would help, I will gladly add my UK voice to your protest.

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  • 1 year later...

I live in MO and have heard about this bill ... it would be STUPID to pass it would put so many pet stores out of business and also include small furry animals like Hamsters and Gerbils it would even effect pet stores that do not sell exotic birds...... people really need to do their homwork and see just how many people this would effect and see how many stores this would put out of business.

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