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Thanks! :)


"just enjoy him for who he is" is exactually what i am looking forward too! :) I am picking up a clicker after work tonite, he has a bit of a nipp to him. SO i want to get him used to a clicker for treats.


He did fantastic last night, it was a 40 min. road trip to bring him home, i was very surprised how calm he was. (even gave us some pretties - head scratchin) we transported him via his own cage - which as a tight fit- thank god for the hatch back.i was really worried about the car ride.. he really enjoyed it.


I am looking forward to his progress over the new few months. I dont think he is going to have any issues adapting too his new surroundings.

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Hello Volux and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new to you grey.


Most greys will travel well, I know mine does, I take her for 4+ hour road trips when I visit my son and I also take her to work with me occasionally.


Just what are the circumstances by which you got this particular grey, just out of curiosity and it helps us get to know you better.


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions you may have. We will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of this grey you would like to share with us we would love to see him. BTW, what is his name?

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Volux: Welcome from Alaska. Welcome to your new friend for life also. Since you're on day 2 I might suggest a secure slow acclimation for you and your bird. Leave the cage door closed and allow him time to adjust to his new surroundings. If you have other pets, let them meet slowly and with door closed. Since your bird is 10 he may want out as part of his regular routine. Definitely let him out but take it slow. Greys can become upset over location changes so give him the time he may need.

I know it's hard not to just hold him all the time , but remember he has to get to know you and his new surroundings at the same time. Quite a lot.

Good luck and let's see some pictures.

Bruce & Mazy

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Thanks everyone!!! :)


It is now day 5- his nippin had died!! YEAH!! Also the habbit of yellin to us when we are out of the room has also died down ( he still does it, just not as loud.


We are slowly introducing new fresh food. :)and he is "mumbling" to the bf when his back is turned, we havnt made out what he is sayin yet, but all in time.


We havnt tried to coach him out yet; we are allowing him to come out when he's ready. I am in Nova Scotia, i tried looking for a gym, but all l can find is full cages; i want something we can start retraining on, so it looks like we might have to make one.


This has by far, been the best experince in my life... he is a doll & seems pretty social so far. (he let my gf pat his head with no nips) he doesnt seem to have any issues with me cleaning the bottom of his cage ( gets pretty messy with fresh veggies/fruit) I love him & i think working with him is going to be great!

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It's really cheap to make your own birdie play gym. Plastic PVC pipe is great to use. There have been some great ones made that you can find in the threads here. Mine is just big tree branches. I cemented a PVC pipe in the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket and then just stick the big branch in and attach toys and perches and bridges all through it. When the birds finally have chewed it up and broken off many of the branches, I just take it out, go cut a new one and use the previous remnants in making the next one. There are pictures of mine in one of my threads.

Good luck and glad you are enjoying your new friend.

Bruce & Mazy

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That's good news volux!!


It could be either sex. The regurgitation definitely means he/she likes your BF. :-) So, it sounds like your BF can take him out of the cage and interact with him/her?


If so, maybe you could sit right next to him and let the Grey get used to you being right there and maybe getting in a head scratch or two.


The progress is happening very fast. It sounds like a wonderful CAG you have taken in. :-)


Thanks for updating us and we look forward to many more!!

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Thanks everyone!! I am beyond excited, over this whole experience! It has been the best and i am sure there is lots more to come!

DNA test will be done as soon as we can find a good bird vet - i also have to send away for a bird carrier.. no where in my neck of the woods can i find one.


Oscar does want to come out with the bf, as long as we are not around, the bf is still a little nervous with lettin him come out by himself, so i did what u suggest last night (sitting beside the bf) we are going to keep that up until he comes out with both us in the room.


We are going to 'upgrade' to a cage for the living area(with a gym on top) I am hoping the BF can coach him out so he can settle into to family room in a new cage. Neither of us are in a big rush, we want to make sure he conformable enough to come on his own.

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You are doing great and lots of patience is just what you need, give him lots of time, he may always favor the bf but you can still have a good relationship with him also. I am excited for you and no one but a bird lover can know the joy we feel.


I would look online for travel cages, thats where I got mine, just google for it.:P

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:) Judy - you are so right -- "no one knows but bird lovers .. " :) last time i was this excited was 12 yrs ago when my son smiled for the first time, and took his first steps, said his first words, etc.. ..


Its like having a baby again, with out the diapers ( well sorta LOL )

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