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Hello PerfectParrots and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about Poppy and Charlie. We love getting to know the new members and I know you are going to love it here just like we do.


Well you certainly have your hands full with 2 greys but then it is just double the fun, right!!! Do you have any other pets in your household?


Please read thru the many threads on various topics for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask specific questions you may have. We will do our best to get you an answer and help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Poppy and Charlie you would like to share with us we would love to see them.

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Hi thanks for the warm welcome. I shall put some more bits on about me and the terrible twosome tonight when I get more time.


It is true my two babies came from the same breeder Freddie and Alfie.


I did have a grey before these two called Chloe which i will share her story with you guys later.


Its a very sad one. I also had a cockatiel called Phoebe. What must I sound like with all these hads.


I am just trying to find my way around but will post more later.

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Thank you for the welcome. It is to find a forum for grey owners.


Let me tell you more about us. Well I first had a grey about 8 years ago now called Chloe. She was my first grey. We had her for nearly 5 years but tragically she died. I have posted her story in the other section. Very sad indeed.


When she died it broke my heart. I felt very lonely. So lonely in my time of pain.


Some time after she passed away I set up my own forum in her memory. It has been running now for nearly a year now. After a loss I think you need to find something to focus on and for me this is what I did.


I wanted to share Chloe's Story and set up a friendly place for parrot people to come together. I also wanted to be their to support others should they sadly loss their feather friend.


Now Poppy and Charlie. What I did is I searched for a small breeder and found one about 25 miles away. She had no babies but her birds were getting ready to lay. 4 eggs were laid but only 2 hatched. My husband and I decided we would like to greys as this would be different to having a single grey, and possibly better for them having one of their own kind to live with.


We wanted to females, and to cut a long story short there ended up being one of each. I thought oh no I cant have them both because they may breed.


I spoke to two avian vets and they both said the likelyhood of breeding was very slim, as one they were pet birds in a home environment and two they would not have the right set up for breeding in.


So we decided to have the two. We visited every week from the age of 6 weeks old until they came home at 16 weeks old. Charlie was slow at learning to fly so they both stayed with the breeder until she was happy for them to come home with me.


I will share more of their story later.

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Welcome perfectparrots,

I just love the shots of the babies. Makes me want to have another young bird. We're so glad you found us and hope to hear more from you. More pictures of the babies also. This is a great group and so very helpful.

Bruce & Mazy

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I thought I would share this with you. It is a poem I wrote.


Chloe's poem


Chloe was my little grey,

Special in every way.


When she left I shed tears,

We only had but a few years.


She is missed every day,

Especially when it came to play.


I will cope with my pain,

Until we meet up again.


She now flies free,

Waiting to greet me.

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