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While I don't have a ton of free time (work, critter time and studio time as I am a potter in my spare time) I would be happy to help start things out. Dependent on how time consuming it would be, I would be happy to serve on the board. I'm also not bad on the creative end. I've done logos, ect and I have a ton of artist friends as well.

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Shamelessmuse wrote:


While I don't have a ton of free time (work, critter time and studio time as I am a potter in my spare time) I would be happy to help start things out. Dependent on how time consuming it would be, I would be happy to serve on the board. I'm also not bad on the creative end. I've done logos, ect and I have a ton of artist friends as well.


Hi there Muse! I feel you re: the time factor - most of the work for me will need to be done on line and in the evening. I may be kicking off two contracts - one in FL and one in CA, so I may be bouncing all over the country for a while. But, most everything can be done on line. As for the web site - we use Earthlink for the company and they have templates we can use to kick off the web site. That can be done within an afternoon.


Once the board is together and we decide what needs to be on the web site, it will be easy enough to put together - I can then make an account for you and you can do some marketing magic to it.


I think in terms of the board, we'll need to be mindful of everyone's time constraints, so that's why we need to make the review process for applications efficient.


So - I hear you! But I think we can make it work, particularly if we rotate board members so the same group of people don't get burned out doing it.




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Sounds good! Time is such a precious thing isn't it?? Well, once a name is settled, acronyms, ect. Let me know and I will start on a logo type thing. We'll need a slogan, catch phrase that will be striking. I am utterly open to ideas and such! And of course, if I can't come up with a pretty enough logo I will so con one of my artist friends into it. ;)

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Nychsa: Count me in for anything. I may not be the one to set things up as far as the financial structure but I sure can implement and hold the line to anything put in front of me. It sounds like you and a few others are experienced, and have good insight as to how the financial end should be set up. This could be a great and exciting thing.

I'll be standing by.


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Muse, Bruce - THANKS! Sunday am I should have word from the Skydancer board re: using Skydancer's 501C status to set it all up. I need to do the infrastructure stuff before the 18th of Feb as I'll be on the road then.




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Yes, that is the program at petco each petco offers it to the group at that location. You can also sit there all day showing rescues. At this time I have no birds needing a new home. I have placed an add to rescue unwanted birds. I'm not a 501 I work with someone who is. I would be willing to become 501 as there are always animals in need I have heard you can do it yourself. I will look into it. Gail

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I will post any rescue birds on my site looking for new homes. You can e mail me a bio on the bird. If you want to put a pic on I will tell you how. If anyone has an Idea of an adoption app for a bird, I will use it. Sorry rushing and making cookies!! Put your adoption fee in the bio to cover vet bills or cost of housing. Please read adoption procees. I can e mail you the adoption app. Then you call screen and meet them. I can NOT sell pets www.purebreed.petfinder.org

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Greetings everyone,


The board for our non-profit met this afternoon and I talked to them about the the Parrot Fund. Well, better said Bella and I talked to them about the fund LOL!


Bella was sitting on top of her perch during the entire meeting jabbering away and mimicking my laugh :ohmy: She had everyone in stiches! It was really hard to keep the meeting on target because every time I would say anything, Bella would chime in and jabber and jabber and jabber and then let out a laugh :woohoo: (that sounded just like my laugh - it really turned heads!)


If anything, she convinced everyone that parrots are quite the characters! So, I finally brought her over to us and let her perch on my shoulder and we were able to close the business on the Parrot fund. I suppose it was only right that she insisted on beinga part of that meeting! What a little loud mouth!


So! For those who've expressed interest, I'll kick off the fund next week and send everyone a pm who said they want to participate. I have a set of governance framework documents we can use to get started. Once we have the framework in place and we all agree on the terms, and the requirements, I'll open the account, kick of the web site and let Muse do her magic on the site and then I'd say we're in business! We should be able to be fulling on line by the end of the month.




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Terri I would like to have been a fly on the wall for that meeting, Bella was the hit of it wasn't she, I know how you feel, Josey mimics my laugh perfectly.


Glad to hear you have taken the ball and rolled with it so to speak, you are a go getter and count me in.:)


Karma your way!!!:)

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judygram wrote:

Terri I would like to have been a fly on the wall for that meeting, Bella was the hit of it wasn't she, I know how you feel, Josey mimics my laugh perfectly.


Glad to hear you have taken the ball and rolled with it so to speak, you are a go getter and count me in.:)


Karma your way!!!:)


Oh my gosh Judy - I wish I had my video cam (believe it or not, I just need to get over to Best Buy!) to record Bella.


You are right - she was the hit of the meeting - I think she was jockeying for the Parrot Fund Mascot position! What a little jabber mouth, and she started up every time I tried to say something! Then of course when everyone started laughing, she did my laugh!


I have to tell you the first time she did that, it really freaked me out a little. It was really odd hearing my own laugh coming back at me! She does it when ever I'm on the phone now too. I always have to tell people it's not me laughing, because often times she's perching on my shoulder when I'm on the phone LOL!<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/02/03 15:18

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Greetings Everyone!


I have a preliminary cut of the plan. I haven't done the financials yet, but that will be very straight forward. Small blip - it doesn't appear I can send you an attachment via PM here on the site. I can do one of two things - either send the plan to you via an actual email address. In which case I'd need your email address. Or I can create a sharepoint page and make a log on for you under your screen name from this site and you can log on to review it. Please let me know what your preference is.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, Terri--

I'm still interested in participating, just tell me how I can help. Feel free to PM me. If it happens that we don't have enough volunteers for this first wave just yet, keep me on the list and let me know when the time comes.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings Everyone,


I've set the Sharepoint site up - but I'm going to be moving very shortly to Florida and I'd like to pick this back up after my move and everything is settled. If that works for you, we'll do it like that and I'll PM everyone who is interested in the project from now on rather then posting.




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